ok ok ok I get it

good post Furious.

I'm not sure about other members of the "carecrew." But this is a more personal matter than the muaryleen thread. and as such, I've conferred my support in a non-public manner. Not to mention m00se isn't even reading RC anymore.

At least from me, there has been no lack of support.

That said, apparently i'm a whiny emo fagbitch and completely unmanly, so my opinion apparently means nothing.

Oh well, it's the fucking internet, I don't care what you think.
That said, apparently i'm a whiny emo fagbitch and completely unmanly
hey you know if all you're going to do on this forum is point this out in EVERY SINGLE POST you make then why are you really even here? fact: you call yourself a faggot more than anyone else does
Erik said:
because if that's what he wants, he's approaching us REALLY from the wrong fucking direction. see below

Agreed. Not a good way of going about it.

so, speaking from experience, I DO NOT THINK the solution is to try and get attention on an internet messageboard that you know is full of people that will not care.

Do you think if he had other OPTIONS he would care about getting advice on message board? I would bet that people that DO do that, don't have anyone else to confide in or the people that they do, are just as clueless as themselves.

i think the solution is truly more in the way of "be a fucking man, suck it up, tell the world to fuck off and go drink a god damn beer" because in the end no amount of internet counselling is going to help you, you have to help your god damn self, and probably it's actually easier for mr. majestik to help himself with whatever the fuck is wrong now that he's gotten off this forum. not because we're evil bastards that keep bringing him down, but because that's probably part of what he needed to do anyway.

Right, that's why I said "happy medium." I'm merely saying it would be more PRACTICAL to say look "this is what you have to do to get your life on track man." It's both telling him to be a man and also giving him DIRECTION. Wouldn't that be more beneficial?

if you do that, people will tell you to fuck off as well and continue to make fun of you because you reap what you sow right?

That's not right at all. He went on the DEFENSIVE and people continued to make fun of him. I'm not saying that telling people to fuck off is the right way to go as it's not. But come on now, you're perceptive enough to know that he meant "look, this is bothering me. I'm going to get mad because that's the only way I can deal with this." Did I miss the mark Erik?

if, ON THE OTHER HAND, you post saying "hey guys i'm not really happy with how you're treating me and it would be cool if you could lay it off?" and make it come off honest without telling half the board "fuck you" then i could respect that, i mean i don't actually want to hurt people (unless they fucking suck, and møøse doesn't suck as such) but i DO assume that unless people EXPLICITELY TELL ME OTHERWISE

cool. yeah, that would totally work better.

everyone realizes that what goes on on the internet is the GOD DAMN internet, and please judge it as such.

This is as good a place as any for advice or help. Why not? These are just other people behind these screens after all.
Erik said:
i love the capital letters "ULTERIOR MOTIVES", brilliant

right. fundamental fact. you were probably being sarcastic, but: hey, this is just the fucking internet, lol, right.

because if that's what he wants, he's approaching us REALLY from the wrong fucking direction. see below

ok. i also know what it's like. i've been there, in some sense i'm still there (although not really)

so, speaking from experience, I DO NOT THINK the solution is to try and get attention on an internet messageboard that you know is full of people that will not care. i think the solution is truly more in the way of "be a fucking man, suck it up, tell the world to fuck off and go drink a god damn beer" because in the end no amount of internet counselling is going to help you, you have to help your god damn self, and probably it's actually easier for mr. majestik to help himself with whatever the fuck is wrong now that he's gotten off this forum. not because we're evil bastards that keep bringing him down, but because that's probably part of what he needed to do anyway.

see, what i think: if you really want support/help/whatever, if you want people to STOP MAKING FUN OF YOU because you actually get HURT, like it seems møøse was, the BEST SOLUTION is absolutely fucking not to post a thread and say "fuck you" to everyone, especially when you've given NO SIGNS before that you're not able to take joking around as what it is: joking around.

if you do that, people will tell you to fuck off as well and continue to make fun of you because you reap what you sow right?

if, ON THE OTHER HAND, you post saying "hey guys i'm not really happy with how you're treating me and it would be cool if you could lay it off?" and make it come off honest without telling half the board "fuck you" then i could respect that, i mean i don't actually want to hurt people (unless they fucking suck, and møøse doesn't suck as such) but i DO assume that unless people EXPLICITELY TELL ME OTHERWISE, everyone realizes that what goes on on the internet is the GOD DAMN internet, and please judge it as such.


Seriously, if this board is his support group. Which it very well possibly could be. Then why say fuck off to everyone out of the blue? Especially after being the main catalyst for all this insultive behavior. Growing up my aunt would tell me, "You know the best thing to do if someone is kidding on you, is just to laugh it off, and if they see you laughing at yourself, then they'll stop." This is a load of horseshite. Your best bet is to say fuck off, and not associate with such people. But in Moose's case he went along with his esteem bashing for a year and actually took over the reign's. Who's going to show respect for you when half of the things you say are "Man I'm gay, I can't get a girlfriend, life sucks." O.K sorry to hear that, but did you really need to share such a thing with a bunch of strangers on a music forum? A forum that is filled with a bunch of people who really don't listen to the brand of music that deals with "feelings, and relationships".

But yea I agree with the contradictory approach set by some who feel "oh no don't pick on a girl", then say "haha" when a young boy is crying out for help. Yea that sucks. Moose needs to realize that you can't love others without first loving yourself. Start showing some pride in your inner self, then maybe Margaret Johnson from Psych class may be open to a conversation. Do you think people will be responsive positively towards a person who walks down the street staring at their shoelaces while kicking an empty can? Or the person walking down the street with their head hung high that will greet hello? Probably the latter! Do your own thing, be your own man, take pride in what you do, and learn to be happy with yourself, and you alone. Then you can seek to be with someone. Not as a crutch, but as a companion.
m00se is aware that this post of his was a dumb idea :p

Do you think if he had other OPTIONS he would care about getting advice on message board? I would bet that people that DO do that, don't have anyone else to confide in or the people that they do, are just as clueless as themselves.

I'm gonna assume this is the closest to the point we've got. I can relate to it in a way, I only have a few people I can confide it myself.

This is as good a place as any for advice or help. Why not?

Why not? A lot of the people here feel the need to maintain a macho internet persona. Some carry that into real life, i'm going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt though and give them some credit.
Reign in Acai said:

Seriously, if this board is his support group. Which it very well possibly could be. Then why say fuck off to everyone out of the blue? Especially after being the main catalyst for all this insultive behavior. Growing up my aunt would tell me, "You know the best thing to do if someone is kidding on you, is just to laugh it off, and if they see you laughing at yourself, then they'll stop." This is a load of horseshite. Your best bet is to say fuck off, and not associate with such people. But in Moose's case he went along with his esteem bashing for a year and actually took over the reign's. Who's going to show respect for you when half of the things you say are "Man I'm gay, I can't get a girlfriend, life sucks." O.K sorry to hear that, but did you really need to share such a thing with a bunch of strangers on a music forum? A forum that is filled with a bunch of people who really don't listen to the brand of music that deals with "feelings, and relationships".

But yea I agree with the contradictory approach set by some who feel "oh no don't pick on a girl", then say "haha" when a young boy is crying out for help. Yea that sucks. Moose needs to realize that you can't love others without first loving yourself. Start showing some pride in your inner self, then maybe Margaret Johnson from Psych class may be open to a conversation. Do you think people will be responsive positively towards a person who walks down the street staring at their shoelaces while kicking an empty can? Or the person walking down the street with their head hung high that will greet hello? Probably the latter! Do your own thing, be your own man, take pride in what you do, and learn to be happy with yourself, and you alone. Then you can seek to be with someone. Not as a crutch, but as a companion.

Theres a lot of truth in here. Good post Mr. Acai!
Do you think if he had other OPTIONS he would care about getting advice on message board?
i don't see that he cares about getting advice on a message board as it is.

I'm merely saying it would be more PRACTICAL to say look "this is what you have to do to get your life on track man."
practical but i'm not sure it would be useful. see last bit in this post

That's not right at all. He went on the DEFENSIVE and people continued to make fun of him. I'm not saying that telling people to fuck off is the right way to go as it's not. But come on now, you're perceptive enough to know that he meant "look, this is bothering me. I'm going to get mad because that's the only way I can deal with this." Did I miss the mark Erik?
yes, you can deduce that something is obviously wrong from a post like this. it still doesn't say "this is what's wrong" or ask for any sort of help. though maybe harsh, i don't doubt that making the dude take a break from the forum was some of the best help he could have gotten. what could he expect here? especially as the best things people that actually tried to support him had to offer were either "drink a beer, listen to heavy fuckin metal" or "i'm sorry man, i'm really sorry, that sucks that you're sad, i'm sorry"?

This is as good a place as any for advice or help. Why not? These are just other people behind these screens after all.
sure, if you think the help you'll be getting here is useful then great. my experience tells me people are well meaning but in the end all responsibility to actually do something about your situation is still on your shoulders. and deep down you probably already KNOW what you have to do, you're just not doing it.
Reign in Acai said:
This is a load of horseshite. Your best bet is to say fuck off, and not associate with such people.

Agree. I have MANY people that I've cut off in my life that used to make fun of me back when I didn't respect myself. I'm much happier.

But in Moose's case he went along with his esteem bashing for a year and actually took over the reign's. Who's going to show respect for you when half of the things you say are "Man I'm gay, I can't get a girlfriend, life sucks." O.K sorry to hear that, but did you really need to share such a thing with a bunch of strangers on a music forum? A forum that is filled with a bunch of people who really don't listen to the brand of music that deals with "feelings, and relationships".

Right, no one. But why the hell would you want to push him farther down? Why would you take your time, you know, being a man and all and make things worse for him?

And come on, who are you fooling about this whole 'forum that is filled with a bunch of strangers?' Some of these people have known each other for YEARS. Some of these people have shared parts of their lives that they don't share with any of their friends and family. A bunch of strangers? I don't think so.

Do you think people will be responsive positively towards a person who walks down the street staring at their shoelaces while kicking an empty can? Or the person walking down the street with their head hung high that will greet hello? Probably the latter! Do your own thing, be your own man, take pride in what you do, and learn to be happy with yourself, and you alone. Then you can seek to be with someone. Not as a crutch, but as a companion.

Here's an analogy: there is a high schooler and he's having a rough time with a math problem. He's looked at it dozens of times and still cannot figure it out. He makes his way over to the smart kid in the group and asks for advice, the smart kid says "oh, just do it. It's not hard." and the struggling math student is left at the same position he was in in the first place.

I actually agree with what you said. Totally, people need to believe in themselves first before trying to get together with someone. But that is an END. I don't even think he knows how to go about finding a MEANS.
Here's an analogy: there is a high schooler and he's having a rough time with a math problem. He's looked at it dozens of times and still cannot figure it out. He makes his way over to the smart kid in the group and asks for advice, the smart kid says "oh, just do it. It's not hard." and the struggling math student is left at the same position he was in in the first place.
not a very good analogy. problems with life/love/whatever never have particularly logical solutions, and differ from a math problem in that NOONE ELSE EXCEPT YOU CAN SOLVE THEM
Erik said:
not a very good analogy. problems with life/love/whatever never have particularly logical solutions, and differ from a math problem in that NOONE ELSE EXCEPT YOU CAN SOLVE THEM

true. But people can offer advise, support and a KIND ear to talk to. Sometimes having somebody to talk to can do a lot.
Erik said:
not a very good analogy. problems with life/love/whatever never have particularly logical solutions, and differ from a math problem in that NOONE ELSE EXCEPT YOU CAN SOLVE THEM

No, it's a perfect analogy. The good math student has the TOOLS to solve it. The bad math student doesn't. When the good math student goes through and shows him the error and the UNDERSTANDING of why there was a problem, then the bad math student can go from that position, work on other problems and eventually become good himself. What I'm advocating is not to do anybody's work, but rather just help get the tools so they can begin helping themselves.
my problem here is you guys are all making some valid points.

personally, I've "known" moose for years, and he's always been self depracating, and sometimes maybe that invited some people to think that he didn't care but that's obviously not the case. We've even had a couple of flare-ups, one right here on this very board, but I've never held grudges and certainly don't expect everyone to agree with me all the time (even though I'm usually right :loco: )

I hope he works through whatever is bothering him. It must be ever so fine to be able to claim your own lives have never hit bumps in the road :)
Furious I respect what you said in regards to not being strangers on an internet forum. But for the people who have not met in real life, what else do you have to judge a person on other than their postings? And when most of those postings make negative reference to themselves, what more opinion can you have of that person, other than a negative/indifferent one?

You don't think, "Hey he called himself gay, man I respect and look up to him!!". You probably think to yourself, "Dude this guy needs to get a handle on things."

Edit- My whole point is he needs to stop being so self-loathing.
Furious B said:
No, it's a perfect analogy. The good math student has the TOOLS to solve it. The bad math student doesn't. When the good math student goes through and shows him the error and the UNDERSTANDING of why there was a problem, then the bad math student can go from that position, work on other problems and eventually become good himself. What I'm advocating is not to do anybody's work, but rather just help get the tools so they can begin helping themselves.
k. i still think in most cases, the understanding of what to do probably already is within and you just need to go ahead and do something about it.
Erik said:
k. i still think in most cases, the understanding of what to do probably already is within and you just need to go ahead and do something about it.

not always, sometimes you can be so confused you don't know how to help yourself and sometimes it takes the observations of others close to you to help.

and yes, he does need to stop being so self-loathing (and hating everyone else too) and he knows it.