ok ok ok I get it

Just so you know, anyone that can’t be serious in the least bit may as well just go ahead and skip this post. Seriously.

neal said:
^ Life Coaching hahaha

Reign in Acai said:
Yea WTF? The one who is usually putting moose down is moose himself. With the occasional Erik jab thrown in. Which I'm assuming is merely in jest as they seem to be online chums. So seriously, wtf?!?! Are girl problems really this bad? And if so, do you think all those college babes are in the market for someone with such a large amount of emotional baggage? Hug a tree and get yourself together man.


Erik said:
mope crew begone

Actually, these are really awesome posts because it’s a catalyst for some of the thoughts that I’m going to share and some observations that I’ve had while watching some of the happenings in this little “community” and my thoughts.

Watching the hilarious thread that was ‘MAUYRLEEN WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO?>’, I’ve taken note to how people respond to her and how people respond to a thread like moose’s. I had some feelings on the matter that I kind of wanted post about but I think this thread brings up some excellent points.

Much like what has already been stated from the anti-care crew about the care crew’s BLARING double standard towards maren’s feelings towards the thread and the lack of concern towards something like moose’s thread, I agree with. Their blatant caring only towards maren and not of that of other posters like moose and krigloch gleams of ULTERIOR MOTIVES. But to be honest, anti-care crew are also in the wrong in that they’re certainly not helping anyone’s situation. But hey, this is just the fucking internet, lol, right?

Now, I could be off the mark in that the conversations that moose may have with others outside of RC may very well be less snide and back-handed, in which case, fine, I’m wrong on my assertions. Hell, moose may very well not even want any help or advice on the matter. But, he IS leaving for a bit which to me is a signal that there are some issues in this guy’s life that obviously need to be fixed. He is also putting HIMSELF down which is a sign to me that he is really wants help, as I have done this in the past. Look, maren probably is not crying herself to sleep over a picture that wasn’t even directed as an INSULT towards her in between the hordes of guys that are trying to get with her over the net. Coming from a position of low self-esteem, however, is probably detrimental and damaging in moose’s situation. And I think it is completely FUCKED UP that you have guys coming in like Doomcifer with an attitude like “What is this shit? Be a man!” type thing or Tully with “haha lol I done fucked da bitch” while some of the guys on the board can’t and struggle even to get a girlfriend or are in their mid-twenties and are still virgins. This is coming from guys who I gather have friends/girlfriends which I think is shit and it does piss me off. And these are posters that I like! Is there a happy medium in there? I think so. Why not give him something that he can work with instead of directionless sympathy? Why not give him PRAGMATIC advice instead of “dude, what’s wrong?”

*my $.2 in the can*

Why do I care? Overall, moose has been really cool, but in the grand scheme of things, I don’t. But I have an immense amount of EMPATHY for moose because I was in his situation. I know what it's like and it sucks.
^ most emo post ever? [/unhelpful]

Seriously though, much love to the Moose. Hope he can get through whatever he needs to sort out.

I've gotta start checking these forums out more often, though - seems like I'm missing flamewars and mental breakdowns left and right with this 'access to the internet twice a week' bullshit.
Much like what has already been stated from the anti-care crew about the care crew’s BLARING double standard towards maren’s feelings towards the thread and the lack of concern towards something like moose’s thread, I agree with. Their blatant caring only towards maren and not of that of other posters like moose and krigloch gleams of ULTERIOR MOTIVES.
i love the capital letters "ULTERIOR MOTIVES", brilliant

But to be honest, anti-care crew are also in the wrong in that they’re certainly not helping anyone’s situation. But hey, this is just the fucking internet, lol, right?
right. fundamental fact. you were probably being sarcastic, but: hey, this is just the fucking internet, lol, right.

Why not give him something that he can work with instead of directionless sympathy? Why not give him PRAGMATIC advice instead of “dude, what’s wrong?”
because if that's what he wants, he's approaching us REALLY from the wrong fucking direction. see below

Why do I care? Overall, moose has been really cool, but in the grand scheme of things, I don’t. But I have an immense amount of EMPATHY for moose because I was in his situation. I know what it's like and it sucks.
ok. i also know what it's like. i've been there, in some sense i'm still there (although not really)

so, speaking from experience, I DO NOT THINK the solution is to try and get attention on an internet messageboard that you know is full of people that will not care. i think the solution is truly more in the way of "be a fucking man, suck it up, tell the world to fuck off and go drink a god damn beer" because in the end no amount of internet counselling is going to help you, you have to help your god damn self, and probably it's actually easier for mr. majestik to help himself with whatever the fuck is wrong now that he's gotten off this forum. not because we're evil bastards that keep bringing him down, but because that's probably part of what he needed to do anyway.

see, what i think: if you really want support/help/whatever, if you want people to STOP MAKING FUN OF YOU because you actually get HURT, like it seems møøse was, the BEST SOLUTION is absolutely fucking not to post a thread and say "fuck you" to everyone, especially when you've given NO SIGNS before that you're not able to take joking around as what it is: joking around.

if you do that, people will tell you to fuck off as well and continue to make fun of you because you reap what you sow right?

if, ON THE OTHER HAND, you post saying "hey guys i'm not really happy with how you're treating me and it would be cool if you could lay it off?" and make it come off honest without telling half the board "fuck you" then i could respect that, i mean i don't actually want to hurt people (unless they fucking suck, and møøse doesn't suck as such) but i DO assume that unless people EXPLICITELY TELL ME OTHERWISE, everyone realizes that what goes on on the internet is the GOD DAMN internet, and please judge it as such.