Do you think I give a flying fuck what the word "thrash" means? The term was widely popularized in the 80s and, like ALL genre tags, were applied without care or consideration, and were all vague and undefined. However, by the mid-80s, a substantial number of Thrash bands (as everyone that doesn't subscribe to the ANUS system understands it) adopted the term. That's why Whiplash, Tankard, Onslaught, Destruction, Death Angel, Wolf Spider, etc., etc., used the term not only to describe their music, but used it in their lyrics. As time progressed, the term "Thrash" has come to define such bands as Dark Angel, Sadus, Kreator, Destruction, Exumer, Forbidden, Flotsam And Jetsam, Artillery, Cyclone, Heathen, and bands of that sort. So regardless of your insistence upon a "revisionist" history, the reality is the the history of every genre term that we now know today that finds its origins in the 80s is terribly muddled and amorphous, so to suggest that there was only one use of a specific term during the 80s and that that is the definition of the word that should be used today is merely self aggrandizement and arrogance. Once again, this is such a petty argument, so I really don't know why your ilk insist upon harping on this issue every time something of this sort if brought up, as if a reevaluation of the terms "Speed" and "Thrash" would usher forth a renaissance of clear understanding regarding the history of Metal.