Opeth and religion

What is your religious worldview?

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Absolutely. Possibly the best coffee table book ever created. I recommended A Brief History of Time since that one is more written as an A-Z explanation whereas Universe In A Nutshell is more a "look stuff up" kind of book. But they are both excellent reads. I am not a physicist or astronomer of any kind (I study computer science) but I have always had a fascination for that kind of stuff and being able to read a well-written and understandable book about complex matter like that is just really fun. Even if sometimes it is so difficult to grasp (especially when he gets to string theory and 4+ dimensions, my head just implodes).
Same here bro, except that I study computer engineering :D
well there's no forseeable way any of you will convince me to abandon christianity, and i don't seek to convert anybody here (since conversion by another is by definition not a conversion of the self...aka you must arrive at your own conclusions, nobody can tell you what to believe because your mind is your own) so i figure astronomy to be a decent and interesting topic.
I guess I vote other...

Im a "satanist"left handed hypocrit and a narcissist.I do think there is god but I choose to sin and to disobey his moral codes.:heh: :muahaha:

"Once in Hell DEVIL is your only ticket out"
affinityband said:
I have to say though, if you have been reading the comments throughout, its pretty hard to say you havent been enlightened in someway. Unless your so ignorant.
I didn't read it. I hate religious discussions, mainly cause I used to have them all the time before.

Cheers :)
TheUnforgiven said:
I guess I vote other...

Im a "satanist"left handed hypocrit and a narcissist.I do think there is god but I choose to sin and to disobey his moral codes.:heh: :muahaha:

"Once in Hell DEVIL is your only ticket out"
very interesting. so, you believe there is a God, and you disobey. Have you read Revelations? most people *only* read it, and that's a shame as well, but- why would you join the losing team? :lol:
TheUnforgiven said:
I guess I vote other...

Im a "satanist"left handed hypocrit and a narcissist.I do think there is god but I choose to sin and to disobey his moral codes.:heh: :muahaha:

"Once in Hell DEVIL is your only ticket out"

Cool, I like honest people. As a Christian, Satanists make more sense than atheists. But Luciferianism makes better sense imo. Unless you just want to be a heathen like yourself.

If you don't know the difference, look it up.
I allways felt a strong connection with the dEvil(trough my thoughts and actions). Im a rebel and a false martyr, a deciver and a self-indulgent creep. I can indentify with Satan and his wicked ways and thats why I "worship" him.

Once Antichrist does rise from the dead he will rule the world for 7 years(as foretold by the bible)and those who bear his mark 666 and worship him will have all the earthly pleasures.

Life is(eternity)Hell (god created hell on earth and cast Lucifer onto earth to rule).

"Hell is where the dead believe they're still livin' and they pray for death but death won't come."

...and to answer your question I dont regard anyones life as worthy or valuable, so I am capable of murder.
TheUnforgiven said:
Once Antichrist does rise from the dead he will rule the world for 7 years(as foretold by the bible)and those who bear his mark 666 and worship him will have all the earthly pleasures.
and after that, they're fuxxed. interesting views though
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