opeth and tool

Originally posted by The Sound Gardener
I love Disposition. It's such a somber track, and it's a pefect lead-in to Reflection. I don't think that the lyrics matter so much because it is a lead-in. It's not really meant to be on its own. As for Triad, I think it's a great ending song (not counting Faaip De Oiad) because it's such a blast of energy at the end, stemming from the very quiet Reflection. It and The Grudge are perfect bookends.

I agree. You guys do know that Disposition/Reflection/Triad are actually one song split into three, right?
Originally posted by Aborted Fetus
But if you don't like Tool, then you don't like them. Just like you can't expect everyone to like Opeth (or ANY band), you can't expect everyone to like Tool. I don't understand why people are so close minded that they simply can't fathom other people disliking the bands they like/love. To me that's just a sign of insecurity and immaturity.

But that doesn't justify people saying that this band is poo because it's not exactly the same as my all-time favorite band. Give good reasons why you don't like a band, not retarded comments about how Tool sucks because Radiohead is better. That's just stupid.
No, I agree completely. I find it highly annoying when people say "your music sucks, mine is good," and have no explaination behind it. My comment was actually directed more towards the kind of people who get super offended when others don't like or understand Opeth, even when they clearly state that the music is too dark/heavy/not their cup of tea, etc. etc.
Yeah, I agree with you completely. I'm just saying that people should justify their reasons why they don't like a certain band instead of making stupid comments, and also that people shouldn't be offended if somebody else doesn't like their favorite band if they give good reasons why. I think it's ok to get mad at someone who doesn't give any reasons at all. Also, if everybody liked the same band as you, they would be monstrously huge. Everybody has different musical tastes, and not everybody will like the same stuff as you.
Originally posted by Vile1011
I actually got into Opeth because people compared it to Tool. Numerous people were going on and on about how one note of Opeth completely obliterated everything Tool had ever done, and how Tool was in effect a crippled mosquito in comparison to the gods that were Opeth.

Opeth came in with all biases against them. Up until then I had never heard a band even approaching Tool. Their music just appeals to my personal tastes more than any other band I've heard. So I gave Opeth a try with the preconceived opinion: "They're over-rated".

Well, Opeth took that preconceived opinion and beat the holy hell out of it. A few months later, I've bought all of their CDs and can't find one song I don't like.

Tool and Opeth both share the #1 slot, alternating back and forth depending on which one I'm listening to at the moment. Both bands accomplish their goal in very different ways, and in many areas the weaknesses of one bad are the strengths of the other. Tool has more emotional energy, and their songs rarely feel like a stream of riffs pasted end on end. One of my major complaints about Opeth is most of their songs lack true climaxes. Bleak is one of my favorite songs, but about 3/4 of the way through it just repeats itself, instead of giving us a good finisher. Tool are much better and making songs that actually go someplace without adhering to the stone-set structure of most mainstream rock. With the proper buildup, progression, and juxtaposition of segments, a guitar chord that never would have liften your eyebrow by itself can become the most emotion piece of music you've ever heard.

While Opeth songs are usually just riffs pasted end on end, they are EXTREMELY good riffs pasted end on end. Their soft sections are soothing, the heavy sections empowering, the transitionals perfect.

Tool could never pull of The Funeral Portrait, Opeth could never pull of Third Eye. People who love Opeth for their style of music may not appreciate Tool's method, and vice versa.

Yeah, right on. You saved me alot of typing.

Originally posted by Cynical Bastard
Well I don't see how I could be considered ignorant for disliking someone's vocals so I wont even address that.
..go earn yourself some sentence structure..I said you were ignorant for not even knowing his name. True, it's not important to know his name but hell if someone is ignorant for not liking a band then you sure as hell are ignorant for not knowing Thom Yorke's name.

When you say something like Sober and Schism have the same structure, I think... and your point iiiss?
Oh, so a few posts ago I was ignorant for thinking this now you agree but think the point is stupid. The original comment was a parting shot that you have totally over reacted to.

I respect your love of Radiohead's music and their experimentation; it just seems you come down on Tool pretty hard for not matching your own current music tastes, almost like you're trying to make people ashamed for Tool being their favorite band and that they haven't sought out what you believe to be truly progressive music in a higher form... you could say I'm making shit up now, but that's just the strong vibe I get from your posts.
Well if it seems that way, I apologise. It was just the mountain of excrement that was growing everytime a Tool fan posted in this topic became too much to handle. They AREN'T Proggesive anything, maybe they were when Opiate or Undertow was released but fuck, would you still call Pretty Hate Machine fresh and innovative? I used to like Tool around the same time as I ADORED NIN, but to me both of their songs have the same effect as pop songs. Sometimes I'll hear a song and be ashamed for liking it, because it's by Holly Valance or Nelly or some retard like that, but 2 days later I'll be absolutely sick of hearing it on the radio after about 5 listens. Tool and NIN weren't THAT extreme, indeed I think I've listened to The Fragile more than I listened to any other album even though I haven't listened to it in a year..but my point is that even though I can listen to Tool and NIN, their music just does nothing for me because it's barely changed from album to album. Even if it has, all the songs on the one album sound almost identical. I'm starting to think I know why, as the comment about Triad, Disposition and Reflection being 3 parts of the same song, perhaps there are only 3 songs on Lateralus..split into 13 tracks, that would make much more sense.

To me, Disposition is their most boring track to date. It's extremely repetitive and it doesn't take you anywhere from beginning to end, at least in my opinion. Songs like Third Eye, H, and 46 & 2 make it look like a rainy day experimental joke.
Well I guess it's a plus point to an artist when their fans can't even agree on what songs they like, heh.

I have a feeling I'll further expand my points when replying to the next couple of people as they made some hilariously idiotic posts which I can correct so if you want to read them to make sure exactly what I'm arguing about before you reply, you'll more than likely save me repeating myself..
My Reply To The Sound Gardener's Post(s)

Originally posted by The Sound Gardener
MA, have you actually taken the time to listen to Schism and Sober throughly? They're like apples and oranges. It's ignorant to judge two songs without actually listening to them.
No, I haven't listened to their biggest two hit songs at all, and I never saw them on rock TV channels every single fucking time I turned on the TV..honest.

So now are you saying Tool's a crap-ass band for playing at Ozzfest and Lollapalooza or any other big-name tour? Just because they sell too many records to be labeled underground makes them bad? Here are a few good bands that sold a few records: Soundgarden, AIC, Radiohead (yeah, them too!), Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Led Zepplin, the Beatles, and, oh yeah, TOOL!!!!! So if you're telling that "ignorant shitmolester" to learn some musical knowledge, you need to also.
No, that isn't what I'm saying at all..how about you stop putting words into my mouth? But the UK Ozzfest is the worst fucking tour out there, full of flavours of the month and nu-metal shite. Hardly an event I'd imagine Tool playing in, but they did.

I DO NOT THINK TOOL ARE CRAP they are just over rated and their fans come out with the stupidest shit I've ever read, in this topic or on any other music forum I go to.

P.S. Just because someone voices their own opinion doesn't mean you need to call them as many of the worst insults and obscenties you can possibly think of. Lay the fuck off.
Waaaaaah waaaah, mommy he called me a bad name waaaaaaah.

Listen to Third Eye and Triad. That might change your mind.

If they have any stand-out track on Lateralus which they could call Progressive it's Ticks & Leeches.

But that doesn't justify people saying that this band is poo because it's not exactly the same as my all-time favorite band. Give good reasons why you don't like a band, not retarded comments about how Tool sucks because Radiohead is better. That's just stupid.
BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I SAID. I used the Radiohead example to show how Tool are anything but Progressive not to say they aren't as good as Radiohead..because then every band would be shit.

And I don't recall ever saying I don't like Tool, I just fucking hate their retarded fans and with posts like yours who can fucking blame me?

Originally posted by KielbasaSausage
you guys use the term progressive MUCH too loosely. hell, i think opeth crosses the progressive line by a small amount. to say that tool is progressive is just a fuckin joke.


dont get me wrong i have all of tools albums, ive listened to all their songs. good music... but progressive? no. maybe if i was used to listening to radio songs all day and heard a tool song on the radio it would stand out from the rest as being a lot more "progressive" then them...

ya im sure everyone that likes opeth doesnt mind tool in the least bit. but i have to say all of tool's other fans are fuckin retarded closed-minded idiots. lotta my friends praise tool in every fuckin way saying "oh look at the drummers kit soo many cymbals best drummer in the world" and other crap like that. now that i think of it they are not my friends just allies lol

I could write lots of shit but I don't know all the words I´d like to use so to make it simple. They´re both great bands but Tool is really a bit boring.


Tool = Very progressive alternative.
Opeth = Mildly progressive death metal.

I count Tool progressive because of the timings they use.
Originally posted by Static
I am a fellow Radiohead fanatic to you MA, but your behaviour in this thread and attitude towards Tool is disgusting. It would not be so wrong if your view was subjective, and you said 'I don't like Tool because of this and this and this'.
And the Tool fans are subjective little Angels aren't they? Oh wait, no they aren't. Maybe if they paid any respect to other people's opinions I'd do the same to them but hell, most of them are as pretentious and arrogant as the band they masturbate to everynight.

I can't stand Radiohead's singer so any negative comments about Maynard's vocals make me laugh my ass off. That whiny guy can't compare to Maynard... his vocals are nowhere near as powerful or captivating.

There is a prime example, why should I even bother respecting these people at all..

Instead your view is covered in ignorant comments, your whole view seems based on how Tool compares to Radiohead and this is idiotic to say the least
I USED RADIOHEAD AS AN EXAMPLE TO ILLUSTRATE MY POINT THAT TOOL ARE NOT PROGRESSIVE THEN SOME GUY STARTS SHITTING ON THEIR MUSIC, OH OKAY THERE BUD I'LL JUST IGNORE THAT BECAUSE REPLYING MAKES ME IGNORANT AND IDIOTIC. Jesus fuck, and everyone here calls me ignorant? How about you people start reading some of my fucking posts with the heavy "Tool-bias" oh jesus, what's the point I've been down this road so many times with you fanboys..

This is how it seems to me, and yet, what the fuck warrants a comparison of either of these groups? My god...they are so different as to make a comparison laughable. And basing your opinion of Tool, and treating others opinions in a scornful way because you are sick of people calling Tool 'progressive', when you think Radiohead is much more so, is also pretty close-minded. You must try to base Tool on its own merits.
I'm close-minded because I think Radiohead are more progressive than Tool? Oh, lord Static I can only wish to be as open-minded as you to other people's opinions!

Once again, I DON'T DISLIKE TOOL, my only point has ever been that they are not progressive, they re-use the same ideas over and over and their sound has barely changed over 3 albums. Just because I think Lateralus was a crap album, and if it had been done by anyone else you'd all ignore it doesn't mean I don't like Tool.

Also...Sober and Schism being similar in anyway is absolutely laughable. For starters they have different time signatures...and that massive mid-section of Schism...how the fuck does that bare any resemblence to anything in sober!? Sober is much more normally structured with chorus/verse a lot more, whereas Schism goes on this huge tangent at the end into this entirely new part. Are you on drugs!? I don't get this....
SOBER: Slow build-up into the intro, repetitive basic riff and wailing guitar supports it, Maynard joins in the fun with his montone vocals he becomes loud as it approaches the chorus as does the riffs and drums yada yada..there is a really slow part where he sings quietly and the wailing guitar goes but then it bursts into life..and then continues in the usual manner till the end where he repeats the same vocals over and over till it finishes.

SCHISM: Another slow build-up, the repetitive basic riff begins and is joined by another guitar again, Maynard joins in with some vocals that again get loud at set periods along with the music, then the song goes all quiet again and his vocals became more quieter and somber during it..then it bursts into life and he will continue this until the end..where he repeats the same vocals over and over till it finishes.

So yeah, I'm on drugs.
hahaha your description of Schism is a pisser!!!!!!!!!

That's like me describing one of Opeth's songs, say Demon of the Fall, like this:

chugga chugga chugga chugga
brrring brrrring brrring
"lah lah lah"
chugga chugga
brrring brrring
Originally posted by redreflection
Sorry, based on some of your comments in this thread, I thought i'd have to spell it out for you.

I meant that you over simplified Schism to suit your argument.....which was fucking ridiculous to start with.
Haha, that is the most ironic thing I've ever heard, I've had to use about 10 longwinded posts to spell out to you braindead cretins what I've been saying from the very first post. And the fact I've already said that my original Sober to Schism comparison was nothing but a parting shot that everyone is over reacting to and you're STILL going on about it is even more ironic.

My description of Sober is equally simplified, and if I was to start talking about the differences between the riffs and the styles it wouldn't exactly compliment my argument would it? Keenan probably didn't even mean to write Schism with the exact same techniques he used in Sober, it's just his blatant lack of creativity means when he comes to the end of his short array of little tricks and hooks he starts using the old ones again. Perhaps "structure" was the wrong word to use when comparing what Sober and Schism have in common, but replace it with whatever the technical term for both songs having vocal crescendo's during the chorus, repetitive basic riff - melodic guitar combo, slow interlude before resuming normal functions and almost indentical outros, is.
tool, pink floyd and opeth are the only 3 absolute great bands out there for me...
however except of their music, they have one in common: the fans think they're the wisest people on earth.. which is not so, especially if you take the ones listening to music to be cool or alternative or something.
yeah tool is NOT boring, if its boring then you didnt listen to them really, they same with opeth and pink floyd..
i could try to write a bit more, but as i've seen it has not much use...