James Murphy said:
tricky? its good to see you are having some pangs of conscience about this, but referring to the well established concepts (and laws) of intellectual property and license of said property as "tricky"... man.. Ok, it may be difficult for a layman to 100% understand all the language in the text that explains the law, but the meaning is right there, black and white... same as any other law. hey, they are all written in legalease which is beyond most laymen, but as they say, ignorance is no excuse. but i'm sure you meant "tricky" as in morally and ethically.
Yes, I understand the concepts and such. I was talking morally and ethically. I don't have any qualms breaking laws so long as I know that I am not harming anyone, and when I download an mp3 what is supposed to be happening that is so harmful? I'm talking about in my personal situation, not as in the overall epidemic the abuse of others has caused...the same money that would go towards music mp3 or not will be spent on account of me not being a lazy music fan but a true one. Whether or not this has supposedly fucked up the industry I don't feel my downloading of an mp3 is harming anything whatsoever...for reasons I've already explain.
I definitely do NOT feel that I am adding to this quandry of financial deficit that mp3s have apparently stirred, due to being a true music fan in other respects.
I guess seeing the other side of the argument has made me question some aspects of it...
i'm sorry, but just because it's easier due to the fact that it consists of bits and bytes sitting on a hard drive somewhere and you have some p2p software doesn't make it any more right than trying to steal a TV out of Best Buy just because you didn't see any salesmen watching.
I just think it's different because Best Buy is an 'official' channel for the purchase of products, whereas the mp3s are less clearly the ownership of anyone.
i'd like to see the economic model under which "all music should be free" would work. in every single one i have been able to conceive ,or have heard to date, the end result is lower quality... bands doing it on the weekends, in crap studios, and joining the bizillion other bands who put their music up for free download. sound like fun to you?
Well, I did not agree with that idea. I just wish people didn't have such stringent standards that they are willing to shun and hate people who download their music. I mean, they are actively listening to your shit, they're spreading it around! I'd see that as a positive for my work.
That does not mean there should be no ownership, but that should be more for the official product and the use of music through official channels. I guess encouraging official purchase of the product by exploiting mp3 mediums and so called 'illegal' sharing...I would support that...the potential for a future purchase is there in each person that downloads your music, they are POTENTIALLY fans...why hate them so much? I'd encourage them to buy...not block them out completely and say they are shit...
well, don't expect me to lower my standards to yours just because your money is tight. so is mine, but if labels are unable to sell albums they will go out of business and serious bands won't be able to record at the standards they do now... there will be no job market for producers.. the bar will be lowered beyond belief... l'm not willling to accept that, same as i am unwillling to listen to mp3s the rest of my life.
My money isn't tight, I'm shit poor.
But yeah you've heard all I've got to say really...I buy when I can and I'm also building a collection of DVDs, T-shirts and a relatively decent CD collection. I'm open to the mp3 medium and sharing and stuff, and I'm not responsible for the abuse others are willing to go to by downloading but never buying. I don't do that.
Once it is properly regulated I'll follow along gladly...but for now it's free, it's there, my doing it isn't wrecking the world. So I'll do it.
Nothing personal eh? I don't want a fight, tis a discussion. You may not respect my views, that's fine. I'm interested in this conversation though and it's interesting.
Summary of above post - yadda yadda bluergh glaven