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Int said:
I never listen to Opeth anymore but I'd still consider myself a fan and the first three are really good (and some songs on BWP). There is nothing sensational about them that is hard to understand though.

Sums me up pretty good. Except I still spin Orchid sometimes.
Mikael is a talented vocalist. I don't think he was originally as talented vocally(mainly cleans), now he never seems to run out of ideas being able to do a lot more with his voice. He seems like a hard worker when it comes to music. The great thing is he could leave metal and be succesful. That's cool imo
I never once said i didnt like them, i just wanted to know why a lot of people consider them to be anything more than average.
I don't know what to tell you man. Everyone in that band is an amazing musician. Mikael has the best vocals in metal in my opinion. Their songs are really emotion-based. Maybe they just aren't hitting you in the right way. I remember when I first listened to them I thought they were fucking lame. Boring as shit, songs were waaaaay too long. Then one day I just played them over and over and over again and it finally clicked with me, and now they are my favorite band.
well, perhaps its just not your cup of tea, i really enjoy opeth and have for years. then again i look really deeply into musical content and thats what you need to do for opeth. everyone i've recomended opeth to and havent gotten into them have been more into in your face music. music where what you hear immediatly is what you get. with opeth, you need to look for underlying melodies, time changes and the ephemeral "opeth riff changes"

it took me a really long time to get into them, most peoples first impressions are, "meh pretty boring, but good musicianship." somehwere in the opeth forum there is a thread about the stages of which you go through in regards to their music.

/my two cents
V.V.V.V.V. said:
They're pretty boring.

Music without melody,atmosphere,harmonies bores me the most quick. You seem to be interested in mainly music that does not really have a 'point' imo. I guess it just depends on the person.
The Greys said:
Music without melody,atmosphere,harmonies bores me the most quick. You seem to be interested in mainly music that does not really have a 'point' imo. I guess it just depends on the person.

noise has harmonies and atmosphere is pretty subjective

...plus vvvvvv likes a bunch of music other than noise including most of the shit you like
Im not in complete ignorance, and i know opeth isnt meant to be simple, head pounding death metal, and is deeper than that. But even then, even though im sure i could always give em a few more listens, i still dont think it is anything remarkable. The musisians arent bad, and Im not that much bothered with the song lengths considereing the fact that they are not repetitive. The main thing i dont like, which is apparently the complete opposite of popular opinion, is the vocals.
Opeth isnt for everybody. Not a matter of having better tastes or anything. I for one am not a fan an Opeth fan but thats just my me.
Regardless opeth not being for everyone(this could be said for any band) it's not hard to get into for people that think it's wank or something or it's leaps ahead of bands around the time. I've heard people act like somehow to much is going on where they can't get into it.

How hard is it to grasp harmonies and acoustic guitars. really
Mike27 said:
Im not in complete ignorance, and i know opeth isnt meant to be simple, head pounding death metal, and is deeper than that. But even then, even though im sure i could always give em a few more listens, i still dont think it is anything remarkable. The musisians arent bad, and Im not that much bothered with the song lengths considereing the fact that they are not repetitive. The main thing i dont like, which is apparently the complete opposite of popular opinion, is the vocals.

The vocals are great, I'm not sure why you wouldn't like them. Orchid and Morningrise, in their day, were completely unique albums, alot of their stuff since then isn't, but every one of their albums is good to great, with the exception of damnation.
The Greys said:
Music without melody,atmosphere,harmonies bores me the most quick. You seem to be interested in mainly music that does not really have a 'point' imo. I guess it just depends on the person.

Yeah noise is all I listen to, of course...


Hint: I actually don't even really listen to it much; I just know a lot about it.

actually, death metal happens to be my favorite genre, if i had to choose.

I dont like the sound of his voice in the harsh vocals or the clean
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