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I would think that some more "extreme" death metal fans would say that Mikael's vocals aren't brutal enough, or that the music's not brutal enough in general.

I knew Opeth were very special from the first time I heard them. I still love them, but the freshness of their trick, I guess, has worn thin a bit.
Opeth are hard to get into, so many of those who aim to try them out are often discouraged and cast it aside. That's what happened to me with my first Opeth album, Ghost Reveries. But then some weeks later I picked it up again and gave it a few more focused listens, and soon it clicked. Within months I owned most of their discography.

I'm not one to assess the process of acquiring an ear for Opeth, but based on my own experience, it requires effort.
Maybe it's not hard to get into but people into metal have a warped sense of things. It's like metalheads who think the acoustic guitars are weird. Who thinks acoustic guitars are weird or boring ?
The Greys said:
Maybe it's not hard to get into but people into metal have a warped sense of things. It's like metalheads who think the acoustic guitars are weird. Who thinks acoustic guitars are weird or boring ?

They aren't wierd or boring, but I greatly prefer that the soft parts be kept to a minimum.
The Greys said:
Maybe it's not hard to get into but people into metal have a warped sense of things. It's like metalheads who think the acoustic guitars are weird. Who thinks acoustic guitars are weird or boring ?

I do not, unless they suck

I enjoy the occasional acoustic rock or metal
Mike27 said:
I never once said i didnt like them, i just wanted to know why a lot of people consider them to be anything more than average.
How the fuck did you just listen to Bleak and yet say you don't get them? Technically they're not very talented, the beauty in it, for me, is the fact that they are able to get heavy in original ways, as in without breakdowns and low-pitch simple as fuck melodys, and that they can back off and calm it down, then hit you like a ton of bricks in a way no other band that I've heard is able to do. The songs are amazing, beautiful experiences, which excuses them for being SO fucking long, and the emotional experience (for lack of a better word) is what it's all about. It's artistic, emotional, and reserved, so it's understandable to me that a normal metal fan might not be able to get into them.
MasterOLightning said:
Opeth are one of the most accessible extreme metal bands. I don't see what's so difficult about them.
I agree, it took very little time for me to "get" Opeth, and they were actually one of my first metal bands. I would also like to say that 95% of this thread is making me ill :Smug: Some people just don't realize the most quality music in the genre when they hear it :)
I agree. As much as Opeth kicks ass, discussion about them in a general metal audience is never fruitful and gets boring fast.
I liked BWP but their other stuff I've heard bores me. I haven't heard the early stuff though... so who knows I might like that more.
I've listened to BWP and it bored me immensely. It seemed just soft-hard-soft-hard etc. I don't mind clean parts in metal, I don't mind clean vocals mixed with death vocals, I just felt absolutely nothing when I listened to it. Most of the time I think "Oh, that's a good riff" or "good drums" when I first listen to a CD, but Opeth gave me nothing.

I guess I just don't get it.
The average death metal fan (referring to many on this forum) dislikes Opeth because they are not immediately rewarding like many death metal bands tend to be (though to say that is a bit presumptious). There are many elements that go into their songwriting, even some non-metal elements, and this is likely why they are passed off as "boring". I, however, think they are anything but. They're not completely focused on making "kick-ass riffs" and expound on other sections of their musical makeup on each album. Boring is hardly the word.
The people who automatically assume that if somebody doesn't like Opeth then they don't "get" it for some reason or just aren't open-minded enough get a few of these: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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