opeths next album

Illuminatixvx said:
I am not bashing, just stating my humble opinion….

Man, I didn’t know Opeth had such an anal fanbase…
You in a band? What if I went on your website that you pay for, and told you your music sucks hairy balls. Bet you'd ban me, or remove my comments. Nobody wants to hear that. If i said I think the bass needs to be louder on this track and that riff is too repetitive, that's different. You might agree or disagree but it's useful feedback.

YOU SUCK is not.
Stimuli said:
It a lil OT - but I feel the only Opeth song that ever continued for an "unnatural" amount of time is the end of Deliverance... other than that I think every Opeth song ends right when it should...

I would like one long song because its something they havenet done before...

And I REALLY dont want them going back to "the good ol' days" of any previous album - as much as I love them all... I don't want to hear Still Life again - or deliverance - or any other album for that matter...

I want something fresh... an advancement that still screams OPETH... just like GR...I wouldnt mind Opeth pushing further into the GR direction...
tho i would have to say i realy like the end of deliverance it does go on but seeing it live realy made me like it they tryed to do that on har forest but wasnt as good they should only tryed it once
It seems as though a large group of posters can't get over the fact that Opeth isn't making another SL or MAYH.

I've enjoyed the progression & evolution of their sound. Maybe it's the fact that I've matured in my taste of music. I find GR to be a great record.
opeth8 said:
It seems as though a large group of posters can't get over the fact that Opeth isn't making another SL or MAYH.

I've enjoyed the progression & evolution of their sound. Maybe it's the fact that I've matured in my taste of music. I find GR to be a great record.
GR was a good sound but they shouldnt do it again, progess the sound even more
Kenneth R. said:
You in a band? What if I went on your website that you pay for, and told you your music sucks hairy balls. Bet you'd ban me, or remove my comments. Nobody wants to hear that. If i said I think the bass needs to be louder on this track and that riff is too repetitive, that's different. You might agree or disagree but it's useful feedback.

YOU SUCK is not.

I doubt Opeth care either way. They obviously have enough fanboys around to support them for a “very” long time. The truth is, no artist should care about their audience. If Opeth are true artists, which they seem to be, then they don’t CARE about what I think. So, to answer your question: It is okay if someone doesn’t like my music. I don’t make music for them, I make it for myself. I would hope that Opeth does the same thing, but maybe they are in it for the cash now... At least, that is what you are implying in your argument..... If that is the case, then screw them. I am just rating a product that they unleashed upon the world. It’s nothing personal.

Look, I didn’t come to this forum to cause trouble. I didn’t realize you guys were so touchy about differing opinions. Yeah, I used the word “sucks.” I could have said much worse things, though. I didn’t say anything slanderous about the band. I didn’t personally insult them. I just said that their new album sucks. It is my opinion, so I don’t see how your argument that I am “disrespectful” to the band holds up.... I am just stating how I feel.

I still respect the band. I just think that their latest effort is horrible. I am entitled to that opinion and, quite frankly, I could careless if you feel threatened by my articulation of it.
Illuminatixvx said:
I doubt Opeth care either way.

That's besides the point.

I didn’t personally insult them. I just said that their new album sucks. It is my opinion, so I don’t see how your argument that I am “disrespectful” to the band holds up.... I am just stating how I feel.

Yes, that is personally insulting them if you are talking about something they put much work into.

I still respect the band. I just think that their latest effort is horrible.

Hmm... effort. Think about that. Yeah, you are disrespecting the band.

- If you simply would have said you don't like the album then nobody would have complained... but you had to push it by saying it sucks. Leaves those thoughts to yourself or on another forum.
"Yes, that is personally insulting them if you are talking about something they put much work into."

Not really. It would be insulting if I went up to their face and said “you suck now,” but posting a conflicting opinion on a public forum is not insulting.

"Hmm... effort. Think about that. Yeah, you are disrespecting the band."

Wrong again.

"If you simply would have said you don't like the album then nobody would have complained... but you had to push it by saying it sucks. Leaves those thoughts to yourself or on another forum."

But I said it sucks. Sorry, but you will have to live with it.
Kenneth R. said:
My point is they pay for this forum. They don't pay for your waste of space. Although lately you aren't the only one.

And what do you define as a waste of space?

Anyone who says something that you do not like?

Being a devoted sheep is not a waste of space? I think it is. You “me too” kids are annoying. You act like I insulted god himself.

Get over it. It is just a band.
Illuminatixvx said:
And what do you define as a waste of space?

Anyone who says something that you do not like?

Being a devoted sheep is not a waste of space? I think it is. You “me too” kids are annoying. You act like I insulted god himself.

Get over it. It is just a band.
A band not comprised of robots. They actually care what happens here. That's why Mike's wife is a moderator here who periodically cracks down and deletes useless drivel like what you've been typing.

I'm not a devoted sheep. Opeth isn't my favorite band of all time and I don't obsess about them. I just feel that as a fellow musician, your posts are not only unneccesary, but disrespectful.

As for disagreements, ask Tubbs about Dream Theater. we disagree to an extreme. However, I respect that because he doesn't say pointless shit like "x sucks" or "y is shit" about it.

Get over yourself.
Kenneth R. said:
A band not comprised of robots. They actually care what happens here. That's why Mike's wife is a moderator here who periodically cracks down and deletes useless drivel like what you've been typing.

I'm not a devoted sheep. Opeth isn't my favorite band of all time and I don't obsess about them. I just feel that as a fellow musician, your posts are not only unneccesary, but disrespectful.

As for disagreements, ask Tubbs about Dream Theater. we disagree to an extreme. However, I respect that because he doesn't say pointless shit like "x sucks" or "y is shit" about it.

Get over yourself.

Pwned. +1.
Kenneth R. said:
A band not comprised of robots. They actually care what happens here. That's why Mike's wife is a moderator here who periodically cracks down and deletes useless drivel like what you've been typing.

I'm not a devoted sheep. Opeth isn't my favorite band of all time and I don't obsess about them. I just feel that as a fellow musician, your posts are not only unneccesary, but disrespectful.

As for disagreements, ask Tubbs about Dream Theater. we disagree to an extreme. However, I respect that because he doesn't say pointless shit like "x sucks" or "y is shit" about it.

Get over yourself.

Well, then that is simply a pathetic form of censorship. I can see why the sheepish environment exists at this place now....

Message boards are terribly boring when everyone agrees, but it seems like you guys cannot handle any negative comments about the almighty Opeth..

If that is the case, then just let my comments go. Why point them out and tell me that they are inappropriate to the “OMG, everything Opeth does is god” atmosphere? You are just making things worse. I always stand by my opinions. I don’t care if the entire board, Mikael and his wife, the band, and so on are against me. If I don’t like the album, then I don’t dig it.

Nothing is going to change that fact. And like I said earlier, this is not personal. Originally, I just stated that I hoped they would put out a superior album to Ghost Reveries.

That is hardly disrespectful and/or slanderous to the band.
Illuminatixvx said:
Message boards are terribly boring when everyone agrees

As opposed to when everyone just yells "[band] sucks!" and "[band] rules!". Good point dude. Well done.
Illuminatixvx said:
Well, then that is simply a pathetic form of censorship. I can see why the sheepish environment exists at this place now....

Message boards are terribly boring when everyone agrees, but it seems like you guys cannot handle any negative comments about the almighty Opeth..

If that is the case, then just let my comments go. Why point them out and tell me that they are inappropriate to the “OMG, everything Opeth does is god” atmosphere? You are just making things worse. I always stand by my opinions. I don’t care if the entire board, Mikael and his wife, the band, and so on are against me. If I don’t like the album, then I don’t dig it.

Nothing is going to change that fact. And like I said earlier, this is not personal. Originally, I just stated that I hoped they would put out a superior album to Ghost Reveries.

That is hardly disrespectful and/or slanderous to the band.

You claimed Opeth's Ghost Reveries is "garbage". Thats just straight up disrespectful. Now I do beleive that some of us are "Opeth Worshippers" but the majority of us DO not think this way. We will not bash you if you give us reasoning behind your thoughts, rather than a dumbass statement such as "x is garbage". No one here is asking you to like the album, just to be a little respectful.

If you think calling one of Opeth's albums "garbage" isn't disrespectful, well, you're just a dumbass, plain and simple.
Illuminatixvx said:
Originally, I just stated that I hoped they would put out a superior album to Ghost Reveries.
Illuminatixvx said:
I would like to see them do something that is not as horrible as Ghost Reveries.

Man, did that album suck.
Doesn't look the same to me, bro.

Negative comments are fine. There were tons of them at the release of the album (as with any album, not everyone has the same taste) but your comments have nothing constructive or intelligent to offer.

I think you suck. <- about as useful as your contribution.