well local folks - if you missed it, you
really missed it. The Randy Kienel Memorial show last night was great!
Worlds End truly proved that they belonged on stage with the 'big boys' last night. The crowd was all abuzz after their blazing set of thrashy power metal. And the band was beaming when they left the stage, because they knew they went above and beyond. Look for these four young guys to be big soon...
And then my boys in
Halcyon Way took the stage, made it their own, and summarily decimated the crowd with their own brand of metal. The band never sounded better in my humble opinion. Granted, I've only seen them about 4 times now. But this was their best show - and they knew it upon leaving the stage. They made their mark on Atlanta last night.
The bands who followed I wasn't really into their individual brands of hardcore/southern metal. So I didn't watch much of their individual sets.
Caustic Thought sounded really good. I hope to set up a show with them, Halcyon, and perhaps some different bands soon. Regardless, all of the bands played from their hearts and for a great cause, so kudos to everyone involved last night!
I'd like to especially thank
Halcyon Way for welcoming me into their family as their band manager. Thanks for trusting in me and what little advice and direction I can dispense. Last night I felt that I was a part of the machine that
is Halcyon Way.
And thanks to Sean Shields for hosting the after show party at his place. There was some great food (BBQ, Paul!), video games, and great conversation with a few fans and family. And as I said at the beginning - if you missed it, you
really missed it!
Everyone take care and have a great remainder of the weekend. Those who plan to come out on Feb 17th to The 7 Venue in Douglasville, GA should receive a full dose of what you missed last night. So prepare yourselves for a night of dynamic, traditional
true metal! ...and since it has been requested so often of late,
the kilt could make a return on Feb 17th. :Smug: And you
don't want to miss that. LOL.