Pathfinder Promotions presents...

:) Very easy to find...

Turn right onto Hwy 92 from I-20 exit 37. At the second light (appr. one mile north) turn right (Checkers Burgers on that corner), then turn right into the shopping center and you will see The 7 Venue tucked into the corner. It is an old 3-bay theater which has been turned into a music venue with great sound and lights!

If you're coming down Bankhead hwy from Powder Springs... when you reach Hwy 92 south (Fairburn Rd), turn left off of Bankhead and travel about a mile or so. At the first light, make a left at the Checkers and then a right into the same shopping center.

The 7 Venue on Google Maps

Hope to see you there! :rock:

...and also remember folks to come on out to The Darkside in Marietta this Friday night for the Randy 'Loki' Kienel Memorial Show. There are several great local bands playing, starting with Worlds End and Halcyon Way! :kickass: These two bands alone are worth the price of admission!

get there early, because with such a great roster and for such a great cause, it should sell out! :rock:
...and also remember folks to come on out to The Darkside in Marietta this Friday night for the Randy 'Loki' Kienel Memorial Show. There are several great local bands playing, starting with Worlds End and Halcyon Way! :kickass: These two bands alone are worth the price of admission!

get there early, because with such a great roster and for such a great cause, it should sell out! :rock:

Additionally, as some of you may not know. We are already writing our second album, even though the first one isn't out yet. But we have reworked, again, one song off that next album and will be opening our show with it. Do come early because we are only playing a 30 minute set. But this is going to be fun. And there will be a get together at my place afterward. I live right down the street from the venue in Crackton. So you forum folks make yourself known to Hoyt or I so we can have you come to the after party. :rock:
well local folks - if you missed it, you really missed it. The Randy Kienel Memorial show last night was great! Worlds End truly proved that they belonged on stage with the 'big boys' last night. The crowd was all abuzz after their blazing set of thrashy power metal. And the band was beaming when they left the stage, because they knew they went above and beyond. Look for these four young guys to be big soon... :kickass:

And then my boys in Halcyon Way took the stage, made it their own, and summarily decimated the crowd with their own brand of metal. The band never sounded better in my humble opinion. Granted, I've only seen them about 4 times now. But this was their best show - and they knew it upon leaving the stage. They made their mark on Atlanta last night. :heh:

The bands who followed I wasn't really into their individual brands of hardcore/southern metal. So I didn't watch much of their individual sets. Caustic Thought sounded really good. I hope to set up a show with them, Halcyon, and perhaps some different bands soon. Regardless, all of the bands played from their hearts and for a great cause, so kudos to everyone involved last night! :rock:

I'd like to especially thank Halcyon Way for welcoming me into their family as their band manager. Thanks for trusting in me and what little advice and direction I can dispense. Last night I felt that I was a part of the machine that is Halcyon Way. :notworthy

And thanks to Sean Shields for hosting the after show party at his place. There was some great food (BBQ, Paul!), video games, and great conversation with a few fans and family. And as I said at the beginning - if you missed it, you really missed it! :cool:

Everyone take care and have a great remainder of the weekend. Those who plan to come out on Feb 17th to The 7 Venue in Douglasville, GA should receive a full dose of what you missed last night. So prepare yourselves for a night of dynamic, traditional true metal! ...and since it has been requested so often of late, the kilt could make a return on Feb 17th. :Smug: And you don't want to miss that. LOL.

Thanks to you Hoyt. Of course as I've just learned there may not be another show for us at the Darkside. They aren't signing their new lease. So they are leaving Sidelines. But the bad part is that they don't have a new building to go into. So, no more convenient after parties at my place. (you could walk from the Darkside to my house). But hopefully they will find a bigger place soon.
The after party was fun though. Now that I have my Xbox 360, Xbox, PS2, N64, Nintendo and Super Nintedo all hooked up to the big screen tv.
Guitar Hero anyone?
make you a deal - I will come out to the Theocracy/Brazen Angel show if you come out to the Theocracy/Halcyon Way/E.b.S./Oblivion Myth/Vitriol show.

:goggly: whew, that was a mouthful. heh heh.

And everyone should come on out to BOTH shows! What a great week of metal in February! :kickass:

Oh, I'll be there the 17th, NO DOUBT! Looking forward to playing with EBS at some point in the future as well! Definitely want to get in at the 7 venue.:rock:
just so all the locals know, I am working with The 7 Venue at putting a show together every other month. These shows will happen on Saturdays for the most part, so it will be easy to get to the venue for those who work Monday through Friday. They will last from 3-4 hours and have from 5 or 6 bands each time.
My intention is to bring bands into the ATL area from all over the southeast, as well as showcasing many of the metro area's finest prog, power, and thrash bands. So after the Feb 17th event, look for another to follow on April 14th, June 23rd, and mid-August. And if all goes as planned, look for something big toward the end of October after the dust settles from our beloved ProgPower USA VIII. :)

Odins Court, Division, Archetype, and others from the outer reaches of the southeast - get in touch with me. Let's try and get you to Atlanta this year! :kickass:
just added to the Feb 17th show:

"Novum Organum creates a heady soundworld of complex, swirling harmonies and shifting rhythms. Absorbing ideas from a rich variety of sources, Novum Organum's music is at once a cerebral and deeply personal statement of instrumental metal. Endlessly committed and profoundly capable, Novum Organum is poised to be one of metals most vibrant and original voices."
just added to the Feb 17th show:

"Novum Organum creates a heady soundworld of complex, swirling harmonies and shifting rhythms. Absorbing ideas from a rich variety of sources, Novum Organum's music is at once a cerebral and deeply personal statement of instrumental metal. Endlessly committed and profoundly capable, Novum Organum is poised to be one of metals most vibrant and original voices."

Okay against my better judgement, Hoyt adds a SIXTH band to this show. But we have two stages. So music will be non stop. This is going to be a huge night of Metal.:rock:
We couldn't be happier sharing the stage with these bands. I'm really looking forward to this show. I'm just not looking forward to revising the flyer for this show. :waah: Damn it Hoyt, now that's enough Metal for one night, save some for the next show!
Damn it Hoyt, now that's enough Metal for one night, save some for the next show!

Quit yer whining boy! haha. :lol:

I think this is a GREAT, and I say again GREAT idea. Novum Organum is going to put on one hell of a show. Well, EVERY BAND, will put on one hell of a show, but Im really excited that Novum Organum is playing. :rock:
well crap - nevermind about the sixth band. The Venue called today and yanked the rug out from under me. After telling me this past Saturday that I would have two stages and that I was welcome to bring one more band on, and after I confirmed the band with hardly any notice at all, they call me today to tell me I only have the one stage again. :bah:

So I had to call the band that I confirmed just yesterday and tell them 'nevermind'. :erk: I felt like crawling under a damn rock! But kudos to them for being understanding. I am definitely going to bring Novum Organum to the ProgPower crowd soon though - you can count on that!

So once again we're back to the original five band lineup. It's still going to be one amazing night of dynamic metal! :kickass: Get there early because you do NOT want to miss the 14 year old guitar wizard in Vitriol. I guarantee your jaw will drop!