Porcupine Tree - The Incident (2009)

I know you guys like to bash Metallica, Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Dream Theater, etc.
But Porcupine Tree? COME ON!!!!!
Soon 75% of the users will bash Opeth.
I know you guys like to bash Metallica, Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Dream Theater, etc.
But Porcupine Tree? COME ON!!!!!
Soon 75% of the users will bash Opeth.

porcelain heart is the worst shit ever written, grand conjuration is bullshit. morningrise and orchid are crappy pieces of shit that dont deserve to be called music. opeth lyrics are super cheesy. fredrik is a technical player. mikael is not a technical player. axe is roboty. lopez isnt tight live. mendez cant speak english.

thats kinda what i read here every day o.0
his prententia levels are thru the roof.

How is being straightforward with your lyrics being pretentious? Does. Not. Compute.

If you're talking about the subject matter of the songs...well, those are just he's opinions, and he's entitled to them right? Just like you're entitled to bitch about stuff on forums.

And lyrics to FOABP are great for what they're trying to achieve. They're true and straightforward. If you guys had some life outside teh internetz and cared about what's going on in the world you'd see there's a LOT of that stuff happening everyday to the real people.

Seriously, I get the impression like some of you guys can't stand when lyrics are not written in a shakespearian (sp?) style. Get the fuck over yourselves.
But then again, are you to deside that?
Would you say your thoughts are more valid than mine?

of course not but then it comes back to the old catch 22 of subjectivity/objectivity in art

How is being straightforward with your lyrics being pretentious? Does. Not. Compute.

If you're talking about the subject matter of the songs...well, those are just he's opinions, and he's entitled to them right? Just like you're entitled to bitch about stuff on forums.

And lyrics to FOABP are great for what they're trying to achieve. They're true and straightforward. If you guys had some life outside teh internetz and cared about what's going on in the world you'd see there's a LOT of that stuff happening everyday to the real people.

Seriously, I get the impression like some of you guys can't stand when lyrics are not written in a shakespearian (sp?) style. Get the fuck over yourselves.

his opinions are fine. no ones said anything against them. its actually a pretty cool theme to try and tackle.

im a massive pt fan, theyre 3rd on ym most lstened on last.fm ffs. this isnt just band bashing for the sake of being cool or trendy. its a legitimate problem with steve wilsons lyric writing ability. it doesnt matter a fuck if he writes in shakesperian, he could write a haiku poem for his lyrics for all i care, as long as it sounds good. and the fact is the majority of lyrics on foabp sound like shit. of course there's exceptions, the 'water so warm...' part at the end of anethetize for example. he's never been a GREAT lyricist but hes cooked up some pretty cool shit. but theres always been little parts that sound either forced or hurried like he just wanted to get the fuck out of the studio and theyve been getting progressively more apparent.
Ya, idk why a little criticism = bashing. I mean it's one thing to say things like "Metallica didn't do shit for metal and are overrated x1000000000" but what the hell is wrong with "[PT/Opeth] are great bands but sometimes their lyrics are a bit lacking."
the whole point of writing lyrics is to get your point across in the most pleasant way hearing wise. it doesnt matter if 'i hate mum and dad' is the theme he is trying to illustrate, he hasnt got the talent to put it in a form that is succint and audibly pleasing. thats why they are bad lyrics.

well wtf was that post then?
Ya, idk why a little criticism = bashing. I mean it's one thing to say things like "Metallica didn't do shit for metal and are overrated x1000000000" but what the hell is wrong with "[PT/Opeth] are great bands but sometimes their lyrics are a bit lacking."

If "A bit lacking" would have been the case i wouldn't have even reacted, i just got caught up with the pure bashing bit: "totally worthless crap lyrics", i felt obliged to stand up for steven.
I doubt that he thinks about himself as a musical genious, he is a very down to earth guy once you have a chat with him, it's people like me who have given him that title :) Listen through In Absentia once and try to say that again, i do respect your opinion... but when i listen through in absentia, to the layers, the production...everything about it just blows me away everytime.

ive met him numerous times, he was either incredibly shy or incredibly rude. that said i always get free tickets to the gigs as SW is a family friend (or at least considered a close friend by the family) of one of my friends. Ive never enjoyed his music really.

also his lyrics arent really pretentious, just dumb. whats pretentious is the music, the way there are all these grand ideas in each song but they are never pulled off effectively.
you could equally argue you this with opeth, but opeth are more pompous than pretentious because when they try these 'grand ideas' they are always executed convincingly, confidently and brilliantly.
ive met him numerous times, he was either incredibly shy or incredibly rude. that said i always get free tickets to the gigs as SW is a family friend (or at least considered a close friend by the family) of one of my friends. Ive never enjoyed his music really.

also his lyrics arent really pretentious, just dumb. whats pretentious is the music, the way there are all these grand ideas in each song but they are never pulled off effectively.
you could equally argue you this with opeth, but opeth are more pompous than pretentious because when they try these 'grand ideas' they are always executed convincingly, confidently and brilliantly.

oh, so it's not that your'e just grumpy because he doesn't notice you? :) He was very polite and happy to chat with me, for like a half an hour. Well i guess we found ourselves something to agree upon disagreing, let's congratulate ourselves...I like the simplicity of the music, and it's very tastefully done in my opinion. But i have to admit that i'm more into the lightbulb, stupid dream era, than the heavy stuff, but he still writes songs like that for blackfield, i lav bläkfiöld. :notworthy