Power Metal is not gay.

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I'm going to sit down next time just out of spite, fuck that shit.

In fact, I think I'll do that right now.
So men have to act masculine and women have to act feminine, and yet the sexes are supposed to be equal. And sitting is superior in your mind. So men can't take the better option without appearing inferior. Do you see where this is heading?
Clean vocals and guitar solos are great, but just not when it comes to power metal generally. If you play guitar and are going to solo and sound like you listen too van halen,motley crue, and poison I do not care how competent you are as a guitarist. Regardless being a metal head am just not that die-hard where I want the most metal sounding music because it's just cheesy to me. I can't stomach any power metal at all now.
^Um yeah. We're different. But we are equal.

Are you really this stupid? Certain traits are feminine or masculine, and in order to attract a partner you must have or not have those certain traits.

Equal does not mean we are all the same.
^Um yeah. We're different. But we are equal.

Are you really this stupid? Certain traits are feminine or masculine, and in order to attract a partner you must have or not have those certain traits.

Equal does not mean we are all the same.

hmmm, seperate but equal, why does that sound familiar? :lol:

Some power metal is good, but I can see why some people label some of it (ie flower metal) as "ghey." I personally like some of the harder power metal, and some of the older power metal. For some reason, I don't listen to power metal very often, though I definitely do like a good amount of power metal bands.
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