Power Metal is not gay.

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I like some power metal, such as Secret Sphere, Mystic Prophecy, Sonata Arctica, Manticora, Hibria (sometimes they are more PM), Lost Horizon (same here), etc. I don't really find it to be very gay usually. I don't get that attitude. Black metal and death metal are just as, if not MORE, cheesy than PM...
Death metal does not sound cheesy to me and growling vocals sound very normal, maybe it's because I spend a lot of time listening to it. I am sure majority of people hear it and find it hilarious but fuck them anyways because they can kiss my ass.
Death metal does not sound cheesy to me and growling vocals sound very normal, maybe it's because I spend a lot of time listening to it. I am sure majority of people hear it and find it hilarious but fuck them anyways because they can kiss my ass.

It's because you listen to it alot probably. Anyone on the "outside" of metal would think a power metal band and a death metal band were equally "lame"/"cheesy"
Power metal is considered gay by a lot of metal heads. This pisses me off. I mean, I like Megadeth, slayer, venom, etc., as well as some death-metalish stuff like arch enemy and in flames, but i love power metal, too. Most metalheads i talk to these days say shit like "Dragonforce is gay." "Nightwish is gay." Dio is gay." "Blind guardian is gay." "Edguy is gay." I mean, it just seems like if they can actually understand what the vocalist is saying then they think it's "gay", and that's pretty fucked up.

A lot of power metal can be extrodinarily gay, but there are a lot of good bands in the vein out there. Lost Horizon and Avian are my favorites. Dragonforce does suck, though.
Death metal does not sound cheesy to me and growling vocals sound very normal, maybe it's because I spend a lot of time listening to it. I am sure majority of people hear it and find it hilarious but fuck them anyways because they can kiss my ass.

Aye same here, though with Screaming/Harsh vocals. And yes the majority are turned off by it lol, thats why my GF's won't listen to it because it has "screaming" >_> Go figure, but one of the girls I work with listens to Death Metal :)
It's because you listen to it alot probably. Anyone on the "outside" of metal would think a power metal band and a death metal band were equally "lame"/"cheesy"

Yeah, atleast death metal has to do with reality, power metal is not realistic. I believe honest truth teaches you something more than fantasy. I believe majorty of people doubt life.
Death Metal has to do with reality?? What??
I can easily go from listening to Hammerfall to Deathspell Omega or Demilich without thinking a damn thing of it. It's retarded and homosexual to waste your time insulting people for liking a specific genre. I used to do that to people who like rap, but I don't think we can help what we like to listen to. It has more to do with our social background, friends and our life's philosophy than recognizing something is teh gayzor or teh suxxor.
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