Power Metal is not gay.

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I can easily go from listening to Hammerfall to Deathspell Omega or Demilich without thinking a damn thing of it. It's retarded and homosexual to waste your time insulting people for liking a specific genre. I used to do that to people who like rap, but I don't think we can help what we like to listen to. It has more to do with our social background, friends and our life's philosophy than recognizing something is teh gayzor or teh suxxor.
Understood dude...and good point BUT
what pisses me off is when some "wigg-rs" at a party throw on some rap, then me and my friends throw on some metal they will say man this is garbage, and how do you listen to something you cant understand just rarrrr rarrrr.
My response is shut the fuck up cause you dont understand REAL talent.Not even 1 instrument in your shallow repetitive rapkrap.
Its all about "flaunting" how many prs. of shoes or chains or cars or whateverthefuck...and not the music. Makes me completely sick that non-talent shit makes as much money as it does.When i seen "big baby" on mtv cribs w/ about 6 cars and a 20thousand$ golf cart I JUST WANTED TO SHOOT MY TV!!!
Yeah, atleast death metal has to do with reality, power metal is not realistic. I believe honest truth teaches you something more than fantasy. I believe majorty of people doubt life.


Mate, very little metal has anything to do with reality, except some po-faced political types. Fuck reality - If I want a dose of that, all I have to is...well, go outside.

Vikings, beer, zombies, nuclear holocaust, skulking around the woods in your mums make up FTW:rock:
Well, I will admit I'm kind of a hypocrite when it comes to respecting other peoples' music tastes, because I like to piss off people who listen to generic, popular bands or rappers. When it comes down to it, I don't really give a fuck what people like, since all that matters to me is the music I like (duh). Of course when they start insulting what I like, I dish it back out at them. I don't typically start music fights though, that's retarded, cuz I'd win easily. I have fucking metal on my side, bitches.
Black metal is gayer, actually. It involves wearing make up, singing in a high pitched voice and tinkling about with keyboards.
I hardly think power metal is gay, but it doesn't seem to encompass much variety in influences. It derives heavily from classic hard rock/metal and classical/symphonic stuff, and that's about it. I like death and black metal more because of the wide variety of styles incorporated by the bands (though this isn't terribly true of black metal).
It's because you listen to it alot probably. Anyone on the "outside" of metal would think a power metal band and a death metal band were equally "lame"/"cheesy"

totally disagree. Put on morgana lefay and then put on cannibal corpse - for the average person, morgana lefay will sound somewhat normal, while CC will sound 10x more lame/cheesey

Yeah, atleast death metal has to do with reality, power metal is not realistic. I believe honest truth teaches you something more than fantasy. I believe majorty of people doubt life.

death metal has to do with reality?? :goggly: you see satanism, serial killers, death, gore, and violence every day in life??

I hardly think power metal is gay, but it doesn't seem to encompass much variety in influences. It derives heavily from classic hard rock/metal and classical/symphonic stuff, and that's about it. I like death and black metal more because of the wide variety of styles incorporated by the bands (though this isn't terribly true of black metal).

eh, I don't know about that, you have pure power metal, speed/power, classical/power, thrashy power metal, prog/power. I would say it has much more variety than black metal
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