power metal?

Authentic Metalhead said:
Indeed. No one has any right to complain about subgenres and no one should get caught up in them. If you like, listen to it, goddamnit. If you don't, then don't belittle those who do.

BAM! Read my fuckin mind

i have been saying that to people forever.
You two have been complaining about power metal bashing for a few pages now, but have you realised nobody is actually bashing it? Most people that do, do so as a joke. Proper power metal I don't have a problem with, it's just the flower metal bands like Sonata Arctica.
Flower metal is a silly term for anything up tempo. If you have a problem with music sounding happy I suggest seeing a shrink.
No, Flower Metal is a term for silly Power Metal. Stuff that sounds really weak, and a contradiction to the term "POWER" Metal, due to the fact that it sounds limp and, as follows logically, lacks power.
Actually not really. People don't hate true Power Metal as much as you think they do. They hate Flower Metal bands like Kamelot, Freedom Call, Stratovarius, and Sonata Arctica.
Most of the bands I've seen named are in the prog subgenre anyway. Though I couldn't care less what most people think. On a board when you get a public opinion like this it's not generally because there's anything wrong with the music, but because a long time user has championed his idea and it's spread. So I am not even going to consider this.
What are you not considering, and why should anyone else care? There are plenty of good Power Metal bands, but usually, the good ones tend to feel as if they have POWER or ENERGY, not like they're playing lullabyes with a lightly distorted guitar.
Sure I've considered it, and I've listened to both kinds....well since I started listening to metal. It's just that I've seen these sorts of opinions before. The last board had all power metal is homo, and thrash most be dumbed down. blah blah.
You didn't answer what you're not considering, you just followed by saying "sure I've considered it." I still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

And (Y) to Hibria. Also Herald.
I'm just wondering what the fuck you're talking about. What the hell is the "this" in "So I am not even going to consider this?"
I explained that through out the post, did you just read the last line? Flower metal is an idea championed by this board and not something I've come acrossed anywhere, and because it was originated here most likely by one person I refuse to give IT any credit whatsoever. It's actually much like a death metal puriest's power metal is whimpy argument.