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Aug 14, 2006
Boston, MA
so many people hate them and say they are not metal. but i actually like them, and i dont understand how they are not metal? what would you consider them then? and why?
Mike27 said:
so many people hate them and say they are not metal. but i actually like them, and i dont understand how they are not metal? what would you consider them then? and why?

Big lack in guitar solos, use of wayyyy to much elecronics, guitar riffs are horrible and the vocals ain't too chariming as well.

All that said what they create is a pop/elecronic infulenced metal - NU Metal.

Btw were lucky they havn't tryed rapping yet. :err:
yeah if i had to pick, it would probably be nu metal. but i still think they are closer to metal. and i agree, they lack talent in the guitar department. and 9 people in a band? 3 of them are passengers.

but solos dont make a band. i think that affects them in no way whatsoever.

but theres just something that makes me like them.....
Mike27 said:
yeah if i had to pick, it would probably be nu metal. but i still think they are closer to metal. and i agree, they lack talent in the guitar department. and 9 people in a band? 3 of them are passengers.

but solos dont make a band. i think that affects them in no way whatsoever.

but theres just something that makes me like them.....

Solos make songs look alot better and sound like rock and not a elecronic track or something. you should listen to dark elec, you will like it.
Slipknots Subliminal Verses album was dodgy, most of the songs sounded all gay and mainstreamy. And those songs like Circle and Vermilionpt2 were uhm... sorta.. yeah.
Just because it sucks doesn't mean it isn't metal. nu-metal is a subgenre of metal, I don't really see the point in denying that. Metal is a very broad genre, including a ton of crappy bands. Anyways, if youhadn't guessed my opinion already, I think slipknot is a pretty lame band. Not as bad as nu-metal leads you to expect, but they have pretty much only one real redeeming quality. Otherwise, there really isn't anything that warents them any attention more then your local metal band.
I quite like the band. They're pretty accomplished musicians. I never did buy into the image, and I don't think i'd ever attend a gig due to the lack of folks my own age, and the bar selling nothing but soda, but all things considered they've wrote some good tracks.
Nu-Metal isn't metal. People call bands like Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, and Linkin Park nu-metal cause they mix rock with rap, not metal with rap. Sure, they might use heavy riffs, but the lack of guitar solos is a clear sign of them not being metal.

My new favorite thing in the world, ironically enough. Is when I ask if someone likes Death Metal, and they say "yes". Then I ask for a favorite DM band and they say "Slipknot". :lol: That makes my day.

I also like when someone who likes any of those bands says "I hate rap"... (No explanation needed hopefully)
derek said:
I quite like the band. They're pretty accomplished musicians. I never did buy into the image, and I don't think i'd ever attend a gig due to the lack of folks my own age, and the bar selling nothing but soda, but all things considered they've wrote some good tracks.

The band is not bad in what they do. but what they do is NOT Metal. it's some sort of mixed electronics and rap and horrible singing so they can call themselfs metal they have some weird heavy or dirty guitar riffs. at least Static - X go around saying that they're "Disco Death Metal" :p
HAHAAH Disco death metal- even the category makes me laugh. Decided I don't like "rap metal" ...Oh so that's nu-metal! LOL i had no idea. *haha! for info on that on see intro lol* Irritating shyt. But yeah... slipknott... have this thing that's just watered down. Wait and Bleed was cool, I DO like that song, but not much else from them.
i think slipknot is in a whole different leage than limp bizkit and linkin park, though. Nu-metal is metal, whether it sucks or not. and there are metal bands that dont have solos.
Mike27 said:
i think slipknot is in a whole different leage than limp bizkit and linkin park, though. Nu-metal is metal, whether it sucks or not. and there are metal bands that dont have solos.

Yes. they are bands who do not have solos. like Metallica recent album had non and you wont hear a hole lot of people saying it was worth anything.

Actually Linkin Park sells more than Slipknot. Limp Bizkit use to be a hell of alot better to all new metal fans who get into metal along side Rammstein with stuff like Rollin etc.

The only reason you can call Slipknot "Metal" is because they have riffs, you take away the riffs you have a very bad pop or rap or even punk song and hell, they suck doing they're riffs too.

And yes...i HATE Slipknot.
I HATE when people get technical. Slipknot is metal, plain and simple. You can argue all you want "they use turntables, they don't have guitar solos." So what? They are different, but that does not mean they aren't metal.

The only reason you can call Slipknot "Metal" is because they have riffs, you take away the riffs you have a very bad pop or rap or even punk song and hell, they suck doing they're riffs too.

That statement is totally biased. You honestly think that if you took away the guitar, that Slipknot would be rap? Your eardrums must be broken. How the hell would they sound punk or pop? The voice is like a lot of the bands out today, as well as lyrics. The riffs are heavy, if that's not metal, then metal must be a very tiny genre.
Judge Dred said:
That statement is totally biased. You honestly think that if you took away the guitar, that Slipknot would be rap? Your eardrums must be broken. How the hell would they sound punk or pop? The voice is like a lot of the bands out today, as well as lyrics. The riffs are heavy, if that's not metal, then metal must be a very tiny genre.

Their guitarists aren't that great. Hell, none of them are, really (except Joey Jordison), but they're still a decent band. They really need to do away with the percussionists, though, they're completely useless.
Johnny Depp when he was in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", or "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" Cause he looked like a freak in C&CF.

Anyway, I saw part of one of the videos. Changed it too fast to see how any of them looked.
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