The awesome anime thread.

Fushigi Yuugi and its OVA. you will cry when you really get into the characters and they start dying

I've been meaning to watch Shingeki no Kyojin, but I'm already watching 18 animes airing this season and it's hard to find enough time for them all as it is.

The second season of OreImo feels completely different from the first, but I'm definitely enjoying it so far (even with the strange pacing.) I get the feeling that HenNeko will win out as my favourite of the current season, though - Tsukiko is just so damned cute!

Has anyone else here been watching Aku no Hana? I was not expecting there to be quite such a negative backlash against it. I can see why people wouldn't like the art style, but I wouldn't say it's worthy of such searing hate.
So a few of my good friends are getting into this new anime called Attack on Titan and it's monolithic enough to hold my attention. There are only 3 episodes out and it's the perfect time to hop on that bandwagon.

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I don't really watch anime, but based on the first episode of that titan one I don't see what makes it particularly interesting. It may as well have been the pilot to any apocalyptic American television series.
I fell in love once I saw the scene where the guard tries to defend Eren's mother by charging the giant. Thought it was great how the music stopped and the color and focus changed when he looked up at his face and decided to retreat. Very powerful scene.
Arg: I love Fushigi Yuugi and Ayashi no Ceres. I bought the entire series like 9 years ago (when I was like 12 haha) but still like it.

I'd have to agree the animation is awesome. I loved Rurouni Kenshin, but what always pissed me off about it is that the fighting scenes were really lacking. The way they described it sounded 1000x better than the way it looked. I could tell Attack on Titan's fighting scenes are going to be killer, especially with that 3D device!
Yeah, AoT really is quite good. It honestly comes off a lot like Sword Art Online did (at least in how the action scenes are handled) but with someone who actually knows what they're doing rather than just taking a really bad light novel and turning it into a show.
Steins;Gate is one of the worst shows I've ever seen in my life. I wrote a negative review of it on myanimelist and literally received death threats which was admittedly kinda funny. To each his own I guess, but I really can't stand that brand of comedy and dating sim characterization.

Haven't watched a lot of recent anime lately. Will give Attack on Titan a shot when it finishes airing. Best thing I've seen in recent years (which to me means "post-Death Note") is this horrifically tragic vampire anime called Shiki. Had me teary-eyed more than once.
As a result of happening upon this thread a month ago I've discovered the existence of anime streaming sites, and have since watched Welcome to the NHK (initially skeptically but I ended up loving it), a little over half of Kare Kano (liking it a lot although all the comments on how the original director left and the show went downhill after are kind of turning me away), and most of Nichijou (fucking hilarious and cute).
Haven't watched a lot of recent anime lately. Will give Attack on Titan a shot when it finishes airing. Best thing I've seen in recent years (which to me means "post-Death Note") is this horrifically tragic vampire anime called Shiki. Had me teary-eyed more than once.

First season of Death Note was great. The second season was depressingly terrible.
Steins;Gate is one of the worst shows I've ever seen in my life. I wrote a negative review of it on myanimelist and literally received death threats which was admittedly kinda funny. To each his own I guess, but I really can't stand that brand of comedy and dating sim characterization.

Haven't watched a lot of recent anime lately. Will give Attack on Titan a shot when it finishes airing. Best thing I've seen in recent years (which to me means "post-Death Note") is this horrifically tragic vampire anime called Shiki. Had me teary-eyed more than once.

Steins;Gate isn't a comedy show though...and it was a VN before the anime was made so the 'harem' aspect should've been expected. The story was great when it started going and not just 'oh cool time microwave.'

a little over half of Kare Kano

read the manga, the anime is awful near the end
Only anime i remember watching was Death Note on adult swim, and it was pretty fucking cool. If the series is on blu ray i'd definitely pick up a copy.

... oh and i remember watching another one with a group of kids and a robot, but that one wasn't as good.
Death Note, the manga was pretty awesome. I haven't seen more than 1 episode of the anime, but if it follows the same story I'd imagine it's good.

My favorite anime though, is Berserk. Badass show and manga. Cowboy Bebop was pretty good too. I haven't watched any in a couple years though. Any recs?
It is a total turn your brain off show, but Attack on Titan is pretty cool so far.

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica is one of the best I've seen, despite being a magical girl show it is pretty dark.
I really liked Death Note up until the end. Very anti-climatic and lame.

I love Berserk and Cowboy Bebop too. You may want to try Monster, if you haven't already. About a well renowned doctor who chooses to save the lives of these two twins as oppose to some wealthy dude, but then one of the twins ends up becoming a pathological serial killer. It's really really good.

Attack on Titan is always ending on a cliffhanger, which kills me. Last episode did not, thankfully, but the show is really damn good. Mikasa is definitely my favorite character so far though.

Edit: I have to try some of these animes you guys mentioned above. Was upset with Kare Kano though, bought the entire box set, only to give it away after being so disappointed with it.
Yeah, Kare Kano was a great show up through the end where as I recall they lost funding for the show or something, so it ends REALLY incomplete.

The manga is great still.

Just finished season 2 of OreImo, but still have to wait for August to finish the story with a 3 OVA arc.

Planning to watch Chihayafuru and Nana next