So, I'd say those are good considering it's my first try, not sure there's much to improve. I do want to use black sesame next time, and I should put more salt in the dough I suppose but hey, less salt is healthier and there's gonna be salt in the ground meat.
There's some potatoes in the dough, hmmmm, what else. As you can see, I went a little overboard with the egg/milk glazing on top so some of it ran down but that's not an issue. I wonder if I can make them even fluffier but I'm not even sure that's a good idea considering the final product.
So, what is the correct layering of the Amrucan freedom meal? Does anybody know? When I googled it the results were a mess.
I want a slice of cheese on the meat. I want thin slices of pickles somewhere, I want large onion rings glazed on a pan, I want a single leaf of ice lettuce.
I'm not sure about sauces or tomatoes at this point.
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