The goals thread

Goals... okay!

+ Find love
+ Travel
+ Avoid cutting my hair
+ Be vocals in a metal band
+ Enjoy a bit of recognition, if not fame
+ Be a part of an orgy
+ Gain muscle
+ Pay off loans asap
+ Continue to gain knowledge
+ Get into the I.T. Industry or video game industry in the next two years.
+ Avoid getting a career requiring me to always wear a tie
+ Get good insurance rates
+ Save the world... from who, or what, as to be yet determined.
+ Go through with suicide
I said kiddie pool to make my goal seem preposterous and lame, because I'm imposing that I'm a grown adult in an eleborate pirate costom standing in a poorly maintained rowboat with bed sheet sails thats situated in a pink kiddie pool, and that i'm playing pirates with myself in the backyard, probably drawing the attention of my neighbhors and the local mental hospital.

Next time I'll make sure to explain it properly, because, apprently, you mind runs about as fast as a ford model T.

Yeah, except that I got all that :rolleyes: