The goals thread

NO no I meant viles like.... you know little glass viles? What do you call them there, beakers?

I thought you were telling me to change the sentence because "having little boys" sounded pedophelic or something.
-Finish my degree in the next 2 years, possibly go on to more schooling
-Meet and marry the love of my life
-Have a rewarding career
-Put out at least one killer album with my band
-Travel and explore and take in the many interesting histories and cultures from around the world.
You're in a band? What do you play?

Guitar. We're called 'Evoking Desolation' (Death Metal, I guess). We have some songs up now on myspace but it is just guitars. However we have found a bass player and a drummer and vocalist may not be too far off either. Tell me what you think of some of the material.

Some of the stuff will be reworked, specifically The Forlorn Dawn while others may be dropped (Endlessly Aflame) depending. We also have at least 2 other songs written and waiting to be recorded.
Fuck, take a number and wait patiently.

EDIT: You DO know this wasn't any kind of paedophile gag don't you ? You said Kiddie Pool - as the father of two under fives, I know that frequently, toddler and open water equals auto-piss - hence changing the word from pass to piss, and referencing the yellow sea (home to most modern day piracy).

Fuck, I hope stand up comedians don't have to work this hard where you live!
I want to be part of a professional Improv Comedy group and maybe do some stand-up. Tour around for a while, maybe do some TV specials. Eventually, write for and / or act in sketch comedy series. One of those weird ones that get's cancelled after a few years (think Upright Citizens Brigade).

I don't need to be rich or famous. I just want to be able to make a living off that kind of crap. Of course, rich and famous would be pretty tight. Maybe host one of those late night talk / comedy shows, or make the jump to serious acting.
-Working with organs, animals, or both in either a zoo, hospital, or one of the many places that holds cadavers. Maybe doing research.
-Graduate school, as the first one implies
-Not having children.
-Learning an instrument well.
-Traveling excessively
-Not having a boring life that revolves around a boring job and a family
EDIT: You DO know this wasn't any kind of paedophile gag don't you ? You said Kiddie Pool - as the father of two under fives, I know that frequently, toddler and open water equals auto-piss - hence changing the word from pass to piss, and referencing the yellow sea (home to most modern day piracy).

Fuck, I hope stand up comedians don't have to work this hard where you live!

I said kiddie pool to make my goal seem preposterous and lame, because I'm imposing that I'm a grown adult in an eleborate pirate costom standing in a poorly maintained rowboat with bed sheet sails thats situated in a pink kiddie pool, and that i'm playing pirates with myself in the backyard, probably drawing the attention of my neighbhors and the local mental hospital.

Next time I'll make sure to explain it properly, because, apprently, you mind runs about as fast as a ford model T.
I always wished I could be part of some Monty Python revival group or something, or (most importantly) be involved in a comedy troupe. I wouldn't really expect it to go anywhere, but it'd be cool to experience.

Yeah, those guys made me want to do sketch comedy. They could just do whatever the hell they wanted, it was great. I wouldn't want to be part of a show like that got too big like SNL, because then you start having to appeal to a mass audience, dumbing everything down and it really limits your options.
1. Get my license and a shitty car because I have had my permit for 4 years.

2. Form an old school death metal band

3. Never have kids.

4. Rent out an apartment with 1,2 people and do whatever I want and not have to care if someone has a problem with it.

5. Get a new amp head which I will any day now.

It's pretty surprising who has kids so anyone could get fucked over.