The Most Brutal Song Ever

The Pixies are hardly indie, and I know shit about the genre.

What makes you say that?

The Pixies are one of the all-time definitive indie bands. High-pitched vocals, dettached soc lyrics, pretty melodies and catchy choruses, a dreamy or child-like quality, all out wierdness and allegience more towards geek subculture than to the mainstream, they're one of the posterchildren of indie. You'll find them in most lists of the top 10 greatest indie rock albums including Blender, Amazon, and "The Blogosphere." Granted, those aren't the most enlightened sources. But I just can't think of a single reason The Pixies wouldn't be considered indie rock.
When you say most brutal song, different types of brutal pop in my head. to me brutal isn't very fast paced, its slow paced, heavy guitar and the lowest of low gutturals.

I'm going to throw this one up, though molesting the decapitated was what I was going to throw up (Devourment has been posted already).
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To me... something truly brutal is absolutely suffocating in atmosphere...

Moondark - The Shadowpath accomplishes this many times throughout.

(song is like 5 minutes... then theres silence on this one for some reason)
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I've always thought the Peel Sessions version of Godflesh - Like Rats was pretty brutal:

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Possibly, Dying Fetus - Kill your mother/Rape your dog. Also Suffocation - Infecting the crypts, brutal or not, amazing song.
If you think burping vocals are the most brutal thing ever you don't know what you're talking about. Brutalness is not just about attaining the lowest pitch. Even the music behind those songs is not terribly brutal.
I never understood the rage against the inhaling technique vs. exhaling technique, especially given that most people can't even hear the difference in timbre.

There's probably some mediocre reason dealing with deathcore no doubt.
In the context of metal that is what brutal does mean though so you are wrong

EDIT: By your logic you might as well say that Darkthone is not black metal because the music isn't really all that "black"

I believe he's just talking about metal being brutal, rather then brutal death metal.
In the context of metal that is what brutal does mean though so you are wrong

EDIT: By your logic you might as well say that Darkthone is not black metal because the music isn't really all that "black"

In Metal brutal does not mean the lowest pitched vocals and most downtuned guitars. If you think it does that is your interpretation.

Your little Darkthrone analogy is not worth replying to.