I am obviously not a metal head... ah well
Would say Black Sabbath is acctually the only one that qualifys, possibly Maiden and Priest but both of those have huge amount of people that really hate their music. Sabbath of course also has some problems due to Ozzy's voice, "Born Again" etc.
Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, Testament, Exodus and all the other huge Thrash metal bands can be writen off at once, Slayer because they are downright boring most of the time, Metallica because either they are too hard or too soft

although they have some songs that are more or less universaly liked. Megadeth is off due to the vocals, personly i love 'em. Anthrax (by far my fav of these) is shuned by many due to the public enemy cover, and unheard of by many. Exodus and Testament is both somewhat unknow outside their genre.
Helloween, Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, Gamma Ray etc. is off becuase Power metal ist GAY! (i still like it though)
Windir is not an option, one its to unheard of, two its not that good, three they are becomming a "trend" band
Bathory, Venom, Darkthrone, Celtic Frost etc.
Too unknown. Bathory i have acctually never heard anything of, Venom is decent in a punkish way, Darkthrone is morons, CF is decent.
Immortal, Emporor, Mayhem.
NO!NO!NO! I dislike Gayhem, dont give a shit about Emporor and find Immortal at best amusing.
Gorgoroth is an option but they fail due to the fact that they are too extream.
What is peoples thougths on WASP?