The Official Movie Thread


the watchmen movie is on on my favorite films too
but for me,
what makes this specific movie awesome (or even watch-able really)
is really largely specifically the parts that are done totally-differently than the comic
this is one of the few movies where i can honestly say the movie is actually way-the-fuck better than the source-material

i'm pretty sure everyone can agree that the Blade movie (at least the first one)
was way-the-fuck-better than anything done with the character in the Marvel comics

Lord Of The Rings
JRR Tolkien was a professional linguist before becoming a fiction-writer
his writing-style shows this
watching the Lord Of The Rings movies were fun
reading the books were a pain-in-the-ass

The Wizard Of Oz and Alice In Wonderland
classic movies that every one at least kinda knows
but how many of the specific people that are obsessed with these movies have actually read the books??
Why the fuck are you tagging random people while you're responding to me? :lol:
I dunno how he feels when he types his usual drivel and nobody responds, but he clearly feels the need to reach out desperately for our love and attention.

This makes me realise that someone will need to create a metaverse world where you can't just teleport into wherever you want. If someone really wants to interrupt my cool club on the other side of VR town, they should have to walk their avatar all the way there.
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Watching tonight:

View attachment 30446

Still one of my favourite made-for-TV movies.

Ken Wahl...mullet God!

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I liked the Watchmen movie. I only made it halfway through the Watchen comic book series when it was originally published.
Does anyone remember when Neil Marshall was a decent director? I watched his latest The Reckoning and it was utter dog's balls. It follows a woman in the middle ages whose husband dies of the plague; she then gets tortured for being a witch whilst also getting visions of the devil. It felt like it was directed by someone who'd never made a movie before and lacked basic competence; eg after 5 days of violent torture the woman still looks like she could be on the cover of Vogue.

He has a new one called The Lair coming out this year. It sounds like an unappealing rehash of The Descent - but I suppose Marshall should stick to familiar territory given he can't produce anything else halfway watchable.
I liked it for the b-movie schlock it was. A step in the right direction after his completely inoffensive Hellboy reboot. I've liked all his movies to date but it's definitely one of his weakest efforts.
I liked it for the b-movie schlock it was. A step in the right direction after his completely inoffensive Hellboy reboot. I've liked all his movies to date but it's definitely one of his weakest efforts.

I kinda wish it was b-movie schlock, but it doesn't have any of the atmosphere or inventive gore I'd want from an entertaining b-horror. Someone on rym described it as like an episode of American Horror Story, which I think is bang on. It has that 'TV sheen' to it, not befitting of a grim plague-ridden middle ages. And the length! How many times do we need to see torture-->demand confession-->nightmares of the devil, rinse and repeat? Torture scenes are so overused and ill-used these days and it's either gotta be short and impactful, or merely hinted at, or inventive and shlocky (Benedetta and Apostle come to mind as two decent examples in recent years). This was none of the above - prolonged yet bland.

The only two plot points of interest
(the devil and the burnt woman)
also went nowhere.
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I liked the Watchmen movie. I only made it halfway through the Watchen comic book series when it was originally published.
only made it halfway through the comic?? that's hilarious to me
mostly just because of all those people saying the Watchmen comic was "teh greatist comic evah!!!"
and honestly, when i watched the watchmen movie, for me, the best parts of the movie were the parts where the movie looked completely different than the comic
i said it a ton of times before, and i'll still feel it forever
when i saw the parts of the movie that looked different than the comic
to me it looked like Alan Moore had Made mistakes and Zach Snyder fixed them