The Official Movie Thread

I liked it it. Kind of like MiB on crack. They couldve been more creative with the monsters/demons tough. Thought Jeff Bridges was hilarious and pretty much carried the film.
MiB on crack is a pretty good description lmao. The director also did a pretty fun action flick called RED that's worth a watch if you find it for a few bucks.

it’s also getting widely compared to fire walk with me which also got bodied on release, so i’m taking that with a pinch of salt. a lot of the criticisms seem to want it to be a more boring respectful biopic, i’d honestly prefer a trainwreck to that.

This surprised me with how awesome it was. A total jumpscare fest, but not only were they quality scares, they were necessary for the plot - we experience what the protagonist experiences as she is mentally broken down by an evil spirit that basically torments people into suicide. It's relentlessly tense and even the usual moments of respite or emotional epiphany are flipped around on the audience. I actually haven't seen a cinema shriek like that since Blair Witch Project. I had a blast, and reckon the RYM rating of 2.8 is way unders.
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This, on the other hand, was pretty disappointing. Cronenberg's return to dystopian body horror has some striking moments, but suffers from familiarity factor with his previous work, in particular the imagery of Naked Lunch and the sexual kink of Crash. I didn't find it to be particularly insightful and the ending was kind of a cop-out. His vision of the future is decidedly lo-fi, with cathode-ray TVs and weird 70s-looking offices. I guess that's supposed to represent the decay of humanity but it seemed rather strained. The best thing about this movie was Kristen Stewart who was brilliant as a twitchy bureaucrat with a horny librarian vibe.
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His big 4 are Breathless, Contempt, Pierrot le Fou and Week-end. I really like the first two, haven't seen Pierrot, and dislike Week-end although it does still have some very iconic scenes. Week-end is the most experimental of the four and can be very alienating; I wouldn't start with that one.

coming back to this convo a second, i've now seen nine '60s godards and my favourite 2 by far are contempt and pierrot le fou. he's also now my favourite of the 'big five' nouvelle vague directors as things stand although i have much to explore.
New Hellraiser was shite.

awful cgi. Turning one of them into a resident evil monster… unlikable as fuck main character that got her friends and brother killed with zero punishment

female pinhead was whatever. Didn’t make it worse but she wasn’t very interesting. Surely not an iota intimidating or powerful as Doug Bradley

also think it’s weird people keep mentioning pinhead was female in the first book. Not really and this is a story that doesn’t follow the book at all, anyway.