The Official Movie Thread

Rambo: First Blood was on Spike the other day. He's such a cool character. I really want to see the new one, I've heard it's fuckin' sick.

The first one is so depressing and awesome at the same time. I cant believe how fast the character/life of rambo changed from #1 to #2.
i might have to buy it just cause it's rocky in the jungle rippin shit up

i finally got to see cliffhanger the other day, that shits intense haha
Rambo: First Blood was on Spike the other day. He's such a cool character. I really want to see the new one, I've heard it's fuckin' sick.

See that movie! And despair for not having seen it on the big screen...

I think I may go and watch First Blood now.
Watched the french film "Renaissance" earlier today. Very enjoyable, and very interesting visually.

Then I watched "Doomsday" which just isn't very good at all. It starts off alright, but I really can't stand the way the film unfolds - I find it incredibly irritating that every scene and dialogue is kept very brief and to-the-point. I'm guessing it's done to keep viewers on edge, but the way the movie is pieced together is just horrible. It was like one of those videos you see on youtube where a viewer just takes all the film's key scenes and compiles them together so you get the general idea of the movie. Not to mention, it seems like it borrows ideas from several films and combines them into one really lame, exaggerated, Hollywood-style movie that essentially goes nowhere.
I just watched Knocked Up. I thought it was really good. Like most Judd Apatow comedies I feel it will be funnier the second time watching it, but it was pretty funny the first time through.

I thought it was excellent. Especially the scene in Vegas.
so I watched Aguierre: The Wrath of God yesterday

...I wasn't overly impressed. The last fifteen or twenty minutes were pretty good. but overall...

*awaits flaming*
I watched The Gate again, havent seen that movie in probaly 5's so awesome. And that band that kid listened to for the demon's, I looked on MA and they werent there! :lol:
so I watched Aguierre: The Wrath of God yesterday

...I wasn't overly impressed. The last fifteen or twenty minutes were pretty good. but overall...

*awaits flaming*

To be honest the section surrounding and including the trial I find to be mostly uninspired and very slow-paced. Almost all the rest of the film blows me away though so BOOOOOO!