The Official Movie Thread

:lol: I was expecting that

question, though...I rented it from netflix, and the dialogue was in german with english subtitles. On the extras of the DVD was a trailer, and I watched it, and the trailer was in English, and it looked like the english synced with the lip movements better. Was the film originally done in English, and I just watched a German version?

also, what would be the next Werner Herzog film to check out?
Then I watched "Doomsday" which just isn't very good at all. It starts off alright, but I really can't stand the way the film unfolds - I find it incredibly irritating that every scene and dialogue is kept very brief and to-the-point. I'm guessing it's done to keep viewers on edge, but the way the movie is pieced together is just horrible. It was like one of those videos you see on youtube where a viewer just takes all the film's key scenes and compiles them together so you get the general idea of the movie. Not to mention, it seems like it borrows ideas from several films and combines them into one really lame, exaggerated, Hollywood-style movie that essentially goes nowhere.

I liked it. I think it helps that it was essentially Escape From New York: Now Snake Has Boobs (since I liked Escape). It was endearingly stupid, and I got the feeling Marshall was laughing along with me as he made it. Not classic cinema or anything, though.
:lol: I was expecting that

question, though...I rented it from netflix, and the dialogue was in german with english subtitles. On the extras of the DVD was a trailer, and I watched it, and the trailer was in English, and it looked like the english synced with the lip movements better. Was the film originally done in English, and I just watched a German version?

also, what would be the next Werner Herzog film to check out?

It's originally in German, strange that it syncs better with English...
As for the next Herzog film, I'd go for Woyzeck or Fitzcarraldo. Werzog's films with Kinski are far better than his other work imo, especially Stroszek, which is ridiculously overrated.
Anyone seen the new Indiana Jones film yet? I thought it was a good film. Not quite as good as the originals (I wasn't expecting it to be) but a solid film nonetheless. Some parts just seemed way to overdone and a bit ridiculous.

I dunno, it felt really sound-stage-y to me. Too much CG and too little practical effects. Also, I thought the zany, pulp weirdness of the older movies was stretched this time around to make was was essentially a cartoon. Entertaining in a "what the fuck?" way, but I disliked it from the nuclear blast scene, and only really enjoyed the random 50s chase. ("Get that greaser!")
It's originally in German, strange that it syncs better with English...
As for the next Herzog film, I'd go for Woyzeck or Fitzcarraldo. Werzog's films with Kinski are far better than his other work imo, especially Stroszek, which is ridiculously overrated.

actually it's originally in english, and then the tapes got lost and they decided to dub over it in german (because everyone involved was insane)

among my favourites of all time, anyway, with the best soundtrack to anything ever. popol vuh makes that film.

stroszek needs to be viewed as absurdist comedy as far as i'm concerned, certainly a very different film to aguirre, i don't agree that it's overrated. have you seen the enigma of kaspar hauser?
actually it's originally in english, and then the tapes got lost and they decided to dub over it in german (because everyone involved was insane)

among my favourites of all time, anyway, with the best soundtrack to anything ever. popol vuh makes that film.

stroszek needs to be viewed as absurdist comedy as far as i'm concerned, certainly a very different film to aguirre, i don't agree that it's overrated. have you seen the enigma of kaspar hauser?

I don't think the tapes were lost, as you can choose english as a language on the DVD, it's just the sound quality is really really bad, since they recorded outdoors.

And yea aguirre runs a bit slow at times, but thats sort of the point in my opinion, you're supposed to go insane with him on this endless journey to no where. Though if I recall correctly when their boats get washed away, that wasn't part of the original script, that actually happened to the boats they were using to film, so not to waste time they kept filming while new boats were being built. So if that segment seemed a bit forced in, it definitely was.
I don't think the tapes were lost, as you can choose english as a language on the DVD, it's just the sound quality is really really bad, since they recorded outdoors.

yeah maybe, i think there are conflicting stories about this actually, whether they were lost/refound or damaged or just crap quality or what, i think they somehow got remastered anyhow. english language on the dvd could just be a redub though? dunno, maybe i'm misremembering

generally speaking i'm amazed how high the quality is considering it was filmed on one stolen camera.

possibly the best aguirre story (and there are tons) is the one about how they acquired the monkeys:
wikipedia said:
To obtain the monkeys utilized in the climactic sequence, Herzog paid several locals to trap 400 monkeys; he paid them half in advance and was to pay the other half upon receipt. The trappers sold the monkeys to someone in Los Angeles or Miami, and Herzog came to the airport just as the monkeys were being loaded to be shipped out of the country. He pretended to be a veterinarian and claimed that the monkeys needed vaccinations before leaving the country. Abashedly, the handlers unloaded the monkeys, and Herzog loaded them into his jeep and drove away, used them in the shot they were required for, and released them afterwards into the jungle.

i love this goddamned film. along with the thematically similar 'no country...' it's gotta be my fave
Yeah the books are great. I almost wish I could have seen the movie without having read the books first, I would have enjoyed it a lot more, because it is really well done.