The Official Movie Thread

there's no denying the books are amazing. the BBC movie was shit, but I actually thought the new version of the film was really good...they just tried to cram in too much from all five books into the movie. but it was still pretty funny, and the some of the animation is amazing

Saw The Strangers last night.

Dont believe Rotten Tomatoes, that movie was well worth my 8.25!

rt or any other aggregator is shit for horror/genre reviews most of the time, use (they can be wrong a lot too, but less often)

speaking of horror, anyone seen Frontier(s) or Inside? I thought the former was kinda lame -especially considering the bloodbath I was promised...- but Inside definitely got to me
just saw the day of the dead remake...


is this even the same movie? is this even a zombie movie? the idea of fast zombies has been debated before. but these zombies climb the cielling and walls! what the hell?! and the way the zombie virus starts is total bullshit. lastly, there is very little to tie this to the original. the only similarity (besides there being "zombies" is that a soldier is infected and remembers some stuff.

what the fuck...

i also saw diary of the dead, and it was much much better. im now trying to get through a sci fi movie called experiment. the first disc had problems. but of what i saw, it seemed promising
speaking of horror, anyone seen Frontier(s) or Inside? I thought the former was kinda lame -especially considering the bloodbath I was promised...- but Inside definitely got to me

I've read that Inside is a fucked up film.

I really want to see the movie Blindness, coming out in September with Julianne Moore. It's being directed by Jose Saramago, the same guy who directed City of God. I'm pretty psyched about it.

Anyone else want to see the new Shyamalan flick?
The Happening? It looks rather interesting. I think it's stupid, though, that the commercials keep blathering about it being his first R rated film. Ooooo.

even though it looks like a fucked up version of Signs, I think I'll see it
Haha, nope. :cool:

I'll be seeing it though. I know a lot of people don't like him, but Lady in the Water was the only movie of his that I really hated. It didn't pay off at all. I honestly did like The Village and Signs though.
All I know about Shamalamadingdong is that he's a ridiculous person. Never seen any of his movies. Any good?
the only films of his I've seen are The Sixth Sense and Signs...I thought Signs was pretty decent, and I thought Sixth Sense was overrated.
I think he's a creative and intelligent writer/director. The Sixth Sense is overrated, but it was still an interesting movie. Personally, I think Signs and The Village were both good. The Village pays off, as long as you're open-minded and don't hold too fastly to your expectations of what it's about. It has a big twist that really changes the mood of the film.
signs was lame with an anticlimactic ending. oooooooooh wwaaattteerrr... the 6th sense was ok. i wanted more ghosts though
I used to really like Signs when it first came out but as I thought about more I realized it has a lot of problems. First of all, why the hell would an alien race that has a lethal weakness to water invade a planet which is composed of so much water and where there is rain? It would be like humans invading a place with oceans of sulfuric acid. I also don't like the whole religion/fate theme he had going.
They filmed Signs around here. They even considered using my buddy's house for Mel Gibson's house in the movie.

People were a little annoyed at how Bucks County was portrayed. I didn't care, but it's understandable.
I used to really like Signs when it first came out but as I thought about more I realized it has a lot of problems. First of all, why the hell would an alien race that has a lethal weakness to water invade a planet which is composed of so much water and where there is rain? It would be like humans invading a place with oceans of sulfuric acid. I also don't like the whole religion/fate theme he had going.

Ha, that's true. I just don't bother questioning movies anymore. If they entertain me, that's fine. If they're genuine, unique, and intellectual, that's great. Those are the movies I prefer, and in turn the ones I usually buy. I don't own Shyamalan films. They're just fun, entertaining "what's the answer" type flicks.
The Village was literally comedy; when he hops that fence and the thing comes by with the siren or whateverthefuck (it's been years)...oh my god, pure lol.
I used to really like Signs when it first came out but as I thought about more I realized it has a lot of problems. First of all, why the hell would an alien race that has a lethal weakness to water invade a planet which is composed of so much water and where there is rain? It would be like humans invading a place with oceans of sulfuric acid. I also don't like the whole religion/fate theme he had going.
Also the aliens had the technology to develop a cloaking device yet they couldn't get through a simple wooden door.