The Official Movie Thread

Saw the new Indy today. Another brilliant franchise George Lucas has ruined. Looks like its set up for a sequel with a new Indy as well.
I just watched Leviathan, damn havent seen this movie in atleast...6 years i'd say and it's fucking awesome! It's like an underwater The Thing meets Alien, idk how you could hate it! and 2 hot ass women in that movie too
I looked on IMDB and it give it a 5.2. That's really weird, only thing pretty cheesy is the monster but its not THAT bad and its in '89..
I just watched Leviathan, damn havent seen this movie in atleast...6 years i'd say and it's fucking awesome! It's like an underwater The Thing meets Alien, idk how you could hate it! and 2 hot ass women in that movie too

It's like a hybrid of The Abyss and Aliens, which was supposed to make it pretty likeable to fans of both. Yea, strange indeed

alright, I have to see it
Anyone here a fan of stop motion animation? I just stumbled upon some of the works of Wladyslaw Starewicz, and was completely blown away. He's an old stop motion animator from the silent movie era. His stuff literally shits on most of the stuff done today, really amazing stuff. I just ordered a collection of his shorts.
If you're a fan of Svankmajer you'll probably like Starewicz, as well.

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I liked the alien thing. The weird part of the movie was Neil Flynn being in it. I can never take him seriously.
I saw the new Indiana Jones recently. It wasn't terrible, but I thought it got a bit ridiculous with the aliens, etc.

Also, I just started watching Children of Men in my Lit class, but I've only gotten through a bit of it. It's something I've been meaning to watch, and so far it's very good.

I loved that movie. There are a bunch of scenes that were filmed nonstop (I forgot what this technique is called) without any breaks, for several minutes.
It's called a long take. And they may have snuck in a few hidden cuts, for example towards the end the camera gets blood on the lens, and then when it moves towards a very dark area, it comes out with no blood on it. Still took a lot of effort to do none the less, especially when you see some of the things they had to do to get a long take.

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That scene in Children of Men with the battle where he's running after the baby was amazing. I love long takes - definitely much better than cutting every 10 seconds.