The Official Movie Thread

Hey guys, I just started my Netflix account back up and I figured this is probaly the best place to ask, but any recommendations?! I like any horror, comedy, action, thrillers, mystery, foreign doesnt bother me..basically pretty broad just not huge on musicals and kids movies. THanks if you offer anything good!

dead birds
ichi the killer
suicide club
dead alive

thats a start.
Just saw the American remake of Funny Games. Basically the same as the original, except the acting feels over-rehearsed, some of the lines are slightly different, and Naomi Watts spends most of the middle of the film in her underwear.


I love naomi watts and saw something about the movie while checking out movies on demand and it looked good.
King is inconsistent, but really great at his best( The Long Walk, Misery, Pet Sematary). Most of the movies based on his books are not so good though(well, save for Misery, and perhaps The Shining- the actress who played Jack's wife in that movie was just awful.)
King is inconsistent, but really great at his best( The Long Walk, Misery, Pet Sematary). Most of the movies based on his books are not so good though(well, save for Misery, and perhaps The Shining- the actress who played Jack's wife in that movie was just awful.)

King is awesome, I think I enjoy and seen like 10 of his book adaptations
I just watched Ichi the Killer. What a weird, terrible fucking movie. Seriously why did anyone give it a positive review?!

Because it's weird and terrible. TO THE EXTREME!

...The greatest movie of like, ever. Some just have a hard time with Takashi Miike's peculiar style.

On a related note, I just saw Fudoh. It was like, a fairly conventional story compared to most Takashi Miike movies I've seen, but I enjoyed it anyway. Not my favourite Miike movie though.