The Official Movie Thread

Ultra Christian woman who doesn't want to have sex before marriage. She buys a puppet from a store and the store owner tells her that the puppets fulfill the owner's deepest desires. Soon after she buys puppet she has fantasies of having sex with it, so puppet comes to life and rapes her. She likes it, but the puppet leaves after and she finds that after puppet sex she can't be satisfied by normal sex.
Ultra Christian woman who doesn't want to have sex before marriage. She buys a puppet from a store and the store owner tells her that the puppets fulfill the owner's deepest desires. Soon after she buys puppet she has fantasies of having sex with it, so puppet comes to life and rapes her. She likes it, but the puppet leaves after and she finds that after puppet sex she can't be satisfied by normal sex.

Black Devil Doll From Hell, what a piece of shit, but bad enough to be completely hilarious too. I'm looking forward to the remake, it's definitely a premise that could be lots of fun.


Ultra Christian woman who doesn't want to have sex before marriage. She buys a puppet from a store and the store owner tells her that the puppets fulfill the owner's deepest desires. Soon after she buys puppet she has fantasies of having sex with it, so puppet comes to life and rapes her. She likes it, but the puppet leaves after and she finds that after puppet sex she can't be satisfied by normal sex.

Man, that's so stereotypical making the doll the rapes the chick a black dude

Well the woman is black too. It's basically a merger of the blaxploitation and the possessed doll genres.
Just saw The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb, ridiculously amazing stop motion animation, and what was even cooler was all the real people were filmed in stop motion too for a very eerie effect. Great film if you're not looking for an every day narrative, there's barely any dialogue, but it's very dark and fun to watch if you're into that thing.
it is better than the other Crash. I was reading this Lit Crit analysis of Cronenberg's Crash the other day. nothing like reading about back seat fucking in a lit crit journal

that being said, why does james spader end up in all the trashy weirdly kinky films?
Just saw I'm A Cyborg, But That's Okay, if any of you are fans of whimsical romances like Amelie and Citizen Dog and want to see Park Chan-Wook (Director of Oldboy)'s twist on the genre with patients at a mental hospital, check it out.
it is better than the other Crash. I was reading this Lit Crit analysis of Cronenberg's Crash the other day. nothing like reading about back seat fucking in a lit crit journal

that being said, why does james spader end up in all the trashy weirdly kinky films?

he has a baby face but with starey weird gay eyes so he embodies a juxtaposition of pervertation upon innocence

god i hate amelie. in fact i hate just about any films that can be described as 'whimsical'
But Chan-Wook Park throws in suicide, killer cyborgs, and other awesomeness into the formula. Definitely not for everyone though.
Just watched my last 2 70s-80s Dario movies, The Bird with Crystal Plumage and Deep Red. For being PG, The Bird.. is an incredibly good little thriller/mystery flick. Good characters, the killings are basically just as the later films but you don't see the actual damage(probably where the Italian Hitchcock reference came from) and Deep Red wasn't too bad, better than Inferno but didnt top any others.

Conan and The Godfather coming tomorrow, weird to not have seen these 2 as of yet