The Official Movie Thread

Is there any movies you would never dare to see? I can only think of one; "Arachnophobia", because i suffer greatly from just that. If i saw that movie i know i would be fucking haunted for months, i wouldn't be able to sleep. Hell, even "Starship Troopers" made me uncomfortable.

I love Michael Madsen. I love him in Reservoir Dogs and I love him in Hellride. <3333333
Just watched an Australian movie called Noise. Really excellent film, it was good to see a quality Aussie movie for a change. It's about a cynical cop with tinnitus who gets put on caravan duty after a bunch of murders in the area. Really well paced, acted and shot. Up there with Chopper and The Boys for sure.
In my quest to finally get around to all the classics, I've just watched Blade Runner. Very thoughtful and intelligent, intersperced with quality action and suspense.
In my quest to finally get around to all the classics, I've just watched Blade Runner. Very thoughtful and intelligent, intersperced with quality action and suspense.

Great film, though in terms of sci fi I think it is still second (a close one at that) to 2001.