The Official Movie Thread

i just watched The Shining, Jack Nicholson was badass in it, i wish he had beat the shit out of that annoying wife of his. also, there was a nice titty/pussy scene in the bathroom.

Wait... you've JUST seen The Shining??
Two questions:

Has anyone seen The Wrestler? Its a new Arnofosky (?) film that came out in 08 and supposedly its very good. Is it worth it?
Same exact question with Let the Right One In. My brother was telling me about it and said it was a vampire movie actually worth seeing. I have no idea how to get a hold of this but he made it seem very interesting.

Edit: Actually the Wrestler just got released like three days ago.
It's been years and years since I saw either, but I seem to remember the second one having this sense of impending doom that I really appreciated.

I agree. Not in a horror or necessarily a frightening sort of atmospheric way, just, the way it approaches that is one I much more easily connect with, the generally more negative tone of the characters, the more events going on completely misunderstood by the public, and so forth.
I agree with that too.

I think the first one does that much better. Like when you think she's safe in the police station but Arnold just wrecks the entire station like it's nothing. After that you're like wtf can you do he's unstoppable.

And that regard, yes, I agree (sooooo badass), but I was thinking about the approaching Judgement Day, and that side of the Terminator mythos.
first terminator is best yeah.

Two questions:

Has anyone seen The Wrestler? Its a new Arnofosky (?) film that came out in 08 and supposedly its very good. Is it worth it?

i hear it's good

Same exact question with Let the Right One In. My brother was telling me about it and said it was a vampire movie actually worth seeing. I have no idea how to get a hold of this but he made it seem very interesting.

yeah it's great
Two questions:

Has anyone seen The Wrestler? Its a new Arnofosky (?) film that came out in 08 and supposedly its very good. Is it worth it?

Edit: Actually the Wrestler just got released like three days ago.

I'll be seeing it later this week. It seems like it will be worth it...Rourke won the Golden Globe for best acting, and Aronofsky is an amazing it should be good
Burn After Reading - I liked it. Not outright obvious comedy but the movie as a whole is so absurd, it works.

Tokyo Gore Police - Fans of Machine Girl rejoice! Awesome extreme action/gore movie from the most fucked up minds on the planet - the Japanese. Loved it!
U-571 - Rented this again as it just came out on Blu. Sound and PQ were great and the film still holds up.

Mummy 3 - What a turd. Steer clear. Plot holes so big the budget wouldn't even shore them up, bad CGI, and horrible dialogue. For an ultimate, immortal mummy, he was a puss.
Feh, I hated the first two enough, can only imagine how bad the third one must have been. There was potential somewhere..

Just watched Rambo (the newest one) again the other day, excellent film even if you're left wanting more in some ways at the end.
I just saw The Return and it is such a beautiful film. Absolutely golden. If anyone is a fan of Tarkovsky, this film is a must.