The Official Movie Thread

Just watched an Australian movie called Noise. Really excellent film, it was good to see a quality Aussie movie for a change. It's about a cynical cop with tinnitus who gets put on caravan duty after a bunch of murders in the area. Really well paced, acted and shot. Up there with Chopper and The Boys for sure.

I agree, it's an excellent movie, probably the best Australian film from the past couple of years. Brendan Cowell is a first rate actor.

Have you seen The Magician? Also right up there with recent Aussie movies.
I agree, it's an excellent movie, probably the best Australian film from the past couple of years. Brendan Cowell is a first rate actor.

Have you seen The Magician? Also right up there with recent Aussie movies.

I haven't, but if it's anywhere near as good as Noise, I'll check it out asap. Cheers for the rec.
my favourite sci-fi movie might be 'dead ringers' or 'stalker' depending on whether either of them count. otherwise it's 'blade runner' all the fucking way. still need to see tarkovsky's solaris...
I need to watch Stalker sometime. I only remmeber seeing it once in my early teens , and getting nothing out of it.
I've read on the net that the movie is loosely based on Strugatzky's Roadside Picnic which is a fantastic novel. Hopefully the movie is up to par.
Coincidentally I'm halfway through Stalker at the moment.

I don't rate Blade Runner at all. It's an interesting film to watch only for Phillip K Dick's ideas, which are better expressed in the novel. The film-making itself does nothing to commend itself.
I don't rate Blade Runner at all. It's an interesting film to watch only for Phillip K Dick's ideas, which are better expressed in the novel. The film-making itself does nothing to commend itself.

what don't you like about it? i mean it's obviously rough around the edges, but i'm a sucker for that oppressive neon exoticism and all the noir elements, not to mention the ending speech which so shouldn't work but just kills me every time. have you only seen the original or something, 'cause that does kind of suck (horrible voiceover, horrible tacked on ending, etc) - director's cut is the essential version.

tarkovsky films are basically a window to god, i don't understand them and i sure as hell can't articulate them but i'm certain i could watch each one 100 times without getting bored. they just have to be experienced, totally cleansing and purifying, they open all kinds of mental doors you didn't even know were there. people who call them 'slow' are kinda like people who think black metal's just noise - i can't tolerate that kind of criticism.

so yeah, watch stalker again DB. ;) although tarkovsky always claimed that kids understood his films better than adults, so maybe you'll get even less out of it now haha.
mirror and stalker are masterpieces, haven't watched solaris yet. i'm not that fond of the book but i liked most of soderbergh's film, so we'll see. i have it on dvd so i'll no doubt see it soon. once i've finished my work this week i'll be able to start watching a shiteload of films.
The best thing about Blade Runner was that line at the end:

"All these memories lost in time, like tears in the rain."

That line is fucking incredible. The rest of the movie was mediocre in my opinion.

EDIT: Tarkovsky died on the day I was born. I was always freaked out a little by that.
it's "like tears in rain" man, which is slightly better still ;) the whole speech is great, time to die.

but yeah, i love the whole thing, a lot. the beauty of blade runner is that it's enhanced by so many things that couldn't possibly work in any other context. it's an easy movie to dislike when you don't engage with it intellectually; on face value it's badly scripted and badly acted, but i swear virtually every one of these conventional flaws actually enhances it, intentionally or not.

the line that i always think shouldn't work is "it's too bad she won't live. then again who does?", looks stupid on paper but in the film it somehow manages to have this massive weight of tragedy behind it, i love that more than i can articulate.

god the voiceover was so bad though. please everyone avoid watching the original. you can hear harrison ford's disgust as he reads it.

just watched 'the new world', glad to have completed a big director's filmography (shorts aside anyway), that doesn't happen very often. i have lots of deep-rooted problems with malick which i can't be bothered going into detail about. one thing is i find that his writing isn't up to par with his direction, especially redundant are the voiceovers. but more fundamentally i just don't like his way of thinking, might add more on that later, for now i'll reiterate that 'days of heaven' remains his greatest achievement.
I just went and saw "Doubt." I really liked it. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams and Meryl Streep all gave really strong performances. The script was kind of weak, but the messages, symbolism and acting were all really well done.
what don't you like about it? i mean it's obviously rough around the edges, but i'm a sucker for that oppressive neon exoticism and all the noir elements, not to mention the ending speech which so shouldn't work but just kills me every time. have you only seen the original or something, 'cause that does kind of suck (horrible voiceover, horrible tacked on ending, etc) - director's cut is the essential version.

tarkovsky films are basically a window to god, i don't understand them and i sure as hell can't articulate them but i'm certain i could watch each one 100 times without getting bored. they just have to be experienced, totally cleansing and purifying, they open all kinds of mental doors you didn't even know were there. people who call them 'slow' are kinda like people who think black metal's just noise - i can't tolerate that kind of criticism.

so yeah, watch stalker again DB. ;) although tarkovsky always claimed that kids understood his films better than adults, so maybe you'll get even less out of it now haha.

To be honest, I don't know which version I watched. It was quite a number of years ago. I guess I'm due to give it another shot. On the other hand, as a Dick purist I have a feeling that I'll inevitably be disappointed by any attempt to simplify his "explosion of ideas" kind of writing style. I think A Scanner Darkly is probably the best Dick adaptation yet, not a brilliant film by any means, and of course it had the ungodly-awful Keanu Reeves, but because it didn't involve some smart-ass director trying to "interpret" Dick's ideas for his audience.
Speaking of intellectual sci-fi, has anyone seen The Man from Earth? I just came across it the other day. It's legally downloadable because the director couldn't get any production companies to fund an official release. Anyhow, as you'd expect from an amateur release, the acting is crap (with the exception of the one actor I recognised, Tony Todd aka The Candyman), but there's some interesting ideas. Don't read any reviews/summaries of the plot, because they will inevitably give away too much. It's worth watching for its originality, even if you will probably come to same conclusion as me at the end: decent, but could have been a lot better if the director wasn't a complete hack. Google it if you're interested.
i just watched The Shining, Jack Nicholson was badass in it, i wish he had beat the shit out of that annoying wife of his. also, there was a nice titty/pussy scene in the bathroom.
I have a question for you all, which is the better Terminator movie?

I've always thought it was obviously the first one because human vs. terminator is a far more frightening and compelling story and the movie just seems darker and better overall. Also John Conner is a little bitch in the second one. However I seem to be in the minority. What do you think?