The Official Movie Thread

Oh. There were so many movies of that genre back then a couple years ago and they were all equally lame. Next.

Speaking of annoying trends, I am glad that the trend of CG-animal movies is dying down. God, there were so many of those last year, it pissed me off. I am glad to say I did not watch any of them. The only CG kids' movies I watch are those from Pixar, because that is some quality shit.
The only CG kids' movies I watch are those from Pixar, because that is some quality shit.

Andrew Stanton, who writes / directs / produces a lot of the Pixar films shares my name. When I was in High School, Finding Nemo came out, and for weeks, people would come to me and be like "HEY Andrew I saw your movie TEE HEE!... Because you have the same name as the guy who directed it... Heh... yeah".
Theres nothing more boring then watching someone ELSE play doom.

And The Rock was corny ass fuck. I did like how the bible pounder got owned first.
i was just forced into watching High School Music 2 with a bunch of 5 year olds

That movie literally nauseates me. It's a terrible stereotype of high school life that isn't even true for the most part.

im sorry i saw even part of it (fell asleep half through), the sadest thing of all though is that when it first came out kids in my highschool(15-18 year olds) actually wore shirts that said High SChool Musical.
High School Musical sounds like the last thing I would ever want to watch.

i garuntee you that your right

I'm sorry

Unlucky babe, I had to watch the first one the day it came out with some of my girl mates. What a pile of shit.

Its ok because soon afterwards i watched End of Days. It doesnt matter how bad Highschool Shit was, because Arnold fighting Satan to prevent him from procreating and the world from ending can fix any bad night.:)

edit: whats that thumbsdown thing at the top of my post?