The Official Movie Thread

lol Chuck Norris. People always say that Chuck is the most badass guy around but Arnold is. Fuck that if Chuck tried round house kick Arnold, Arnold would just blow his leg off with a gun

Superbad is the shit, first movie that made me laugh the whole way through in a long time.

I guarantee you that you're wrong cracka, read my previous post in this thread and be awestruck!

The Cannibal thing?
Yeah the cannibal thing.

A qoute from the site:
All Singing! All Dancing! All Flesh Eating!
:lol: i have to see this

I doubt it can top Borat and Jackass 2 in this category.

thats so hard! but i think:
3)Jackass 2

im turned off the Jackass because they just grossed me out for good with this video i saw the other day

Edit New thought: You just cant beat McLovin, Superbad is definetly number one.