The Official Movie Thread

Just watched "The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada". Pretty interesting to compare Tommy Lee Jones in this film and then "No Country For Old Men"...almost the same kind of character but more uh disturbed. The film reminded me a lot of Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying". Pretty interesting stuff. Not the greatest film, but it's enjoyable. Barry Pepper and Dwight Yokam play the biggest assholes ever.

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My first impression is that this movie sucks. I need to watch it again though.
one of the best movies ever

...just make sure you watch the right version. If you hear Harrison Ford narrating, kill it with fire!
one of the best movies ever

...just make sure you watch the right version. If you hear Harrison Ford narrating, kill it with fire!

There was no narration in this one. I should try viewing it in regular format and not a television version.

I don't like how the buildings and environment is all futuristic, but then you go inside and you see wallpaper from the 70s and shit. I think that's what the whole 'neo-noir' thing is, but I think it's hilariously stupid. It was the same thing with Minority Report.
public enemies. classy, sometimes pretty, but it's another romanticised biopic which doesn't possess nearly enough depth to earn its own gravitas - depp's dillinger is Charismatic with a capital C but isn't individualised or humanised (unlike, say, pitt's jesse james), whilst bale's smugly grave purvis makes me think he's become the new ed norton. the sweeping score highlighted my detachment every time it reared its misguided head, and the shakycam seemed such a cheap and graceless substitute for real substance here. i thought i might like this cause of scott foundas' great awestruck review for the villagevoice but i just didn't feel it at all, id give it 2 stars out of 4.
I was expecting to be blown away by Public Enemies, but I was sorely disappointed. It tries to be a suspenseful action movie that has some deep, meaningful purpose; but it really has absolutely nothing to say. The acting wasn't even that good, and the scenes and characters were sometimes confusing. Not that well made at all.