The Official Movie Thread

my thoughts on Moon: fucking loved it. This is Sam Rockwell at his best. A lot of the early reviews of it said it was like 2001 A Space me it was more like a mixture of Solaris (atmosphere wise) and Blade Runner (theme wise) with a moment that reminded me of a scene from The Prestige. I loved the feel of the whole movie...the loneliness and isolation. Clint Mansell, once again, wrote a great score to the film. It isn't for everybody, but if you like introspective and cerebral sci-fi films, I think you'll really enjoy it.

Awesome. I actually called one of my friends last night (whom I'm meeting later this evening) and asked if he wanted to see it tonight. Just my luck, he was sitting in the theater about to watch it. Oh well, I'll have to find someone else to go with.
I used to go see movies by myself a lot; my girlfriend used to think it was the most depressing thing ever. I enjoy it though; it gives you a chance to really let the film engage you.
I used to go see movies by myself a lot; my girlfriend used to think it was the most depressing thing ever. I enjoy it though; it gives you a chance to really let the film engage you.

My girlfriend is a greater movie snob than me, even, preventing me from seeing Angels & Demons (I read the book) and I'm too lazy to rent it.
nah the trailer rules. lays on the whole WE LIVE IN DARK TIMES thing a bit but still. im worried its gonna suck now though.

i saw bruno and found it hilarious btw.
yeah bruno was pretty damn funny. It skipped a couple of times, but I laughed my fucking ass off. So Euro haha.

What I also found funny was:

when I looked around the theater, all the guys were laughing and all the girls looked uncomftorable and embarrassed . For some reason that amused me alot.
I agree with you two. I am not a fan of Larry Charles's style of directing. There were too many staged moments on Borat that really killed it for me. Which is a shame, since I think Cohen's characters are quite funny.
I think he is a funny guy; there's just nothing in Bruno that I need to see. I know homophobia is bad. I don't need his staged antics throughout an entire film to tell me so.
harry potter 6 was pretty fun. a little more playful than the previous, but also kind of dark in a horror way. cool horror style effects (the hexed girl for example. the hair and mouth stuff was very grudge style).

i came into the theater with a bias, since i love the movies, but i really enjoyed it