The Official Movie Thread

I'd like to see a positive review that saw something I didn't and change how I feel, but until I see that, this movie sucks.

i'll have something at least partially positive up in a couple of days, will link to it here. i'm gonna watch it again tomorrow because i need to re-evaluate it as a whole, but it'll suffice to say for now that i thought there were moments of real poetry in there. it's mostly a question of how the rest sits around it.
You should check out Paprika...I don't know who the director is, but it's pretty awesome

he's satoshi kon, and of the three i've watched, 'paprika' is his worst film. and 'paprika' fucking rules. his first two, 'perfect blue' and 'millennium actress', are even better, and they blow miyazaki out of the water as far as i'm concerned.
i'll have something at least partially positive up in a couple of days, will link to it here. i'm gonna watch it again tomorrow because i need to re-evaluate it as a whole, but it'll suffice to say for now that i thought there were moments of real poetry in there. it's mostly a question of how the rest sits around it.

I'm very interested to see how you feel about it. I'm seeing the movie again Tuesday, so I definitely want some positive things to look out for that I know I missed the first time around. Some of the latter scenes matched the depth of the fifth one, but something about that irritated me even more so given the rest of the movie that I felt was pretty worthless. Either way, you could articulate it infinitely better than I could, and it'll be nice to see something positive from someone that has pretty similar taste in movies as me. I've become a bit obsessed with the film over the last couple of days to be honest.
I'm avoiding Harry Potter for the time being. I keep mixed reviews; some that it was absolutely worthwhile, while others criticize it relentlessly. To avoid feeling like I waster $10.50 I'll probably just download it at some point.

Anyway, a good movie to watch if you haven't would be Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It's especially worth it if you've read the novel by Hunter S. Thompson.
I saw 500 Days of Summer today. It was mostly good and I enjoyed it. There were a lot of cinematic tricks used which sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. Compared to other romantic comedies it was honest and realistic which helped give it a little more impact. Plus Zooey Deschanel is incredibly cute.
I'm very interested to see how you feel about it. I'm seeing the movie again Tuesday, so I definitely want some positive things to look out for that I know I missed the first time around. Some of the latter scenes matched the depth of the fifth one, but something about that irritated me even more so given the rest of the movie that I felt was pretty worthless. Either way, you could articulate it infinitely better than I could, and it'll be nice to see something positive from someone that has pretty similar taste in movies as me. I've become a bit obsessed with the film over the last couple of days to be honest.

I too am waiting for your review. I've tried to write my own but I can't articulate my thoughts on why I really like this movie, and no other review I've read can sum my feelings on it either.
I totally did NOT see Watchmen in the theater, and I am bummed about it. It looked sooo epic in the commercials. I heard it wasn't as good as it seemed it would be...but I still wanted to see it big.

I will rent it.

Watched The Corrupter last night. It was horribly done, but by the end I was interested in the story.
I totally did NOT see Watchmen in the theater, and I am bummed about it. It looked sooo epic in the commercials. I heard it wasn't as good as it seemed it would be...but I still wanted to see it big.

I will rent it.

I hated Watchmen. I mean, I loved some of the characters, mainly just Rorschach, but other than that the movie itself was way too long and I felt like it deviated from the storyline at points. I feel asleep in the theatre, so that could've been the problem as well..
Speaking of hangover movies, I saw the Japanese movie Monday yesterday, and it had me laughing hysterically several times, just because of how bizarre it was. It wasn't bizarre in the usual Japanese way with lots of gore and stuff, it was just strange. It's not really only a comedy movie but it works like one, definitely check it out if you have a sick sense of humour.