The Official Movie Thread

Haha tis true. They're going to milk the fuck out of the franchise.

Anyway, watched Martyrs. Interesting movie and not at all what I expected nor could I predict it. Kinda reminded me of an old Twilight Zone episode where people who were told the meaning of life went mad. The film was definitely worth a watch.
two more?! FUCK YEAH! youre coming with me seed. we'll laugh, we'll cry... maybe i'll give you a reach around... o_O
i seriously think the third and fifth HP films were sort of masterful and among the best of their respective years. way more dark and evocative than, say, the LOTR movies.
i seriously think the third and fifth HP films were sort of masterful and among the best of their respective years. way more dark and evocative than, say, the LOTR movies.

I still really like the LOTR movies, more for the great art direction, but I've grown increasingly fond of the Harry Potter series. It's just the whole evolution of the Harry Potter series as a franchise that fills me with bliss.
well i like the LOTR movies as well, the way some of it ended up being visualised is pretty awe-inspiring, but much like with the books none of it is particularly meaningful to me.
Chaw's review of the new Harry Potter is spot fucking on. The bit I identified with most was the fact that it was "about nothing". I prefer interesting thematic exploration to pointless shitty melodrama, which is why the third and fifth HP movies are infinitely better than the latest.

I'd like to see a positive review that saw something I didn't and change how I feel, but until I see that, this movie sucks.
Saw the Maiden - Flight 666 movie last night. Was ok, nothing special at all. Pretty much a standard tour doco. I don't see what all the fuss was about.

Sarcasm aside, Bruce Dickinson needs to do an autobiography. Dude has done/excelled at a lot in a relativily short amount of time. Pilot, ranked fencer, successful music career. Most people can't even do one thing well at a time.
I saw harry Potter last night. it was decent. what bothered me was the acting and the Drama.

Other than that, ive been watching alot of Japanese Animated movies, especially the works of Hayao Miyazaki ( spelling?). Does anybody have any recommendations like his movies?