The Official Movie Thread

I saw Inglorious Basterds today as well. I quite enjoyed it and thought it was infinitely better than Kill Bill. Tarantino himself gives me the shits though. He just tries way too hard to make his movies "cool". There were some very funny bits and I thought Brad Pitt and Christoph Waltz were great. Bit of a spoiler here; when all the Nazis got fried toward the end, people in the cinema started applauding and cheering, which I found quite funny.
saw Inglourious Basterds last night and have to agree with most everything that's been said. The opening scene with the dairy farm, in my opinion, was just perfect. I loved everything about it. The rest of the film was moderately good. I thought the story was well paced and interesting. I was hoping it'd be more violent though

also, before they showed the Inception trailer, which is Christopher Nolan's next film starring Leonardo Dicaprio, and the teaser trailer looks fucking tits..too bad it doesn't come out for another year:
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Adventureland was pretty great, although it would have been better if it was filmed eight years ago and cast Jake Gyllenhaal and Jena Malone as the leads. (Kristen Stewart and Jena Malone are about as similar looking as any two actresses. Except one can act.) Also the parallels to The 40 Year Old Virgin hurt the originality of it. Would have liked a more ambiguous ending too, but that's nitpicking. It ruled. I suppose I wouldn't relate to a movie set in this year much more than a movie set in the '87, so the era didn't really factor into my opinion. Although there's not really any song today as funny as 'Amadeus, Amadeus'.

Also saw Gummo recently. Terrible. I don't think you can do a faux-documentary without making it ironic. Then again, it was probably too incoherent to call a faux-documentary. I don't doubt that a less lazy filmmaker could have made a great movie about a similar topic if they had done some work and hit the streets of some shit town. And it could have maybe even had a story arc, or character development, or you know, characteristics of movies. Even as an anti-movie, I think it fails horribly to convey a sense or realism, and without that, there's no reason to care about such flat characters. From my perspective, the world generated was too bogus to generate the suspension of disbelief I needed for this. It was more about a filmmaker trying to move people by using pure imagery rather than substantive storytelling tools. I found it to be a complete failure.
I liked Adventureland, I had an honesty to it which is rare these days in those teen-coming-of-age movies. It didn't try to draw easy laughs from embarassing the lead characters. But at the same time it was nothing that hasn't been done before.