The Official Movie Thread

I can't be bothered with Tarantino films. They annoy me to be honest. Style over substance bullshit.

I just watched the Ipcress File and it was a very good film.
Well I haven't seen either so I wont comment but I know the Tarantino films that I've seen have been his dodgy tributes to a lot of better films. I'd rather watch real classics.
Just saw The Hurt Locker. It was pretty good but I don't know if it was as amazing as all the reviews made it out to be. I might've had my expectations set too high.

I just want to see it because Evangeline Lilly is in it.

Well I haven't seen either so I wont comment but I know the Tarantino films that I've seen have been his dodgy tributes to a lot of better films. I'd rather watch real classics.

Resevoir Dogs is a real classic.

I went to see District 9 a couple nights ago. It dragged in some parts, and the ending got very Hollywood; I liked the first half of the film, when it was almost completely shot in the documentary style. But all that said, it still was a great and entertaining science fiction flick.
Well I haven't seen either so I wont comment but I know the Tarantino films that I've seen have been his dodgy tributes to a lot of better films. I'd rather watch real classics.

those are like his films, you really should. I didnt like Kill bill, his contributions to Planet Terror and From Dusk till Dawn are great.
Kill Bill, From Dawn till dusk and Jackie Brown are the ones I've seen. I though they were pretty average.
went and saw Extract and loved it. This is very much Mike Judge humor in the Office Space style. Jason Bateman is great. The humor is really quick and consistent. There's also some digs on heavy metal that I think I was the only to understand/laugh at in the movie theater.
went and saw Extract and loved it. This is very much Mike Judge humor in the Office Space style. Jason Bateman is great. The humor is really quick and consistent. There's also some digs on heavy metal that I think I was the only to understand/laugh at in the movie theater.

Oh man, I thought it was pretty lame. I was very disappointed being a huge fan of Office Space. I just didn't care about any of the story arcs. There were some funny moments, most of them involving Ben Affleck. Very meh imo.

"I hear they make you do the limbo! I can't do that, I'll be the laughing stock of the Grindcore community!"
I saw an Icelandic movie called Noi Albinoi, and I loved it. I could relate to his situation so well.

Anyone know any other good movies with themes of solitude/isolation/etc?
I saw an Icelandic movie called Noi Albinoi, and I loved it. I could relate to his situation so well.

Anyone know any other good movies with themes of solitude/isolation/etc?

well if you want to broaden that to including alienation as well as just physical isolation/solitude, then:

woman in the dunes
last year at marienbad
spring, summer, autumn, winter... spring
the conversation
the passenger
citizen kane (duh)
five easy pieces
solaris (soderbergh version and possibly tarkovsky version?)
a taste of cherry

and lots of recent stuff ranging from 'tideland' to 'let the right one in' to 'the wrestler' to 'the aviator' to 'flight of the red balloon' to 'the diving bell & the butterfly' and so on.

and yes 'persona' is a good one, not that i'm a particularly big bergman fan