The Official Movie Thread

hang on now, you never said what you thought of Man Bites Dog

I know. I wasn't sure what to say. I liked how the main character went on about every-day things while killing people. I was annoyed by the cheap sound and the harsh sound of the gun fire. I really wasn't moved one way or the other too much.

even dwarfs started small rules

Yeah, I like it quite a bit too. There was so many little things that were really entertaining, and it was so effective at creating its mood... and that mood was just like ever-increasing chaos and despair. Interesting, because most of the individual events weren't all that insane, but they way they built up was pretty amazing. And those chickens...! They add so much to it, and they were not even planned.

I went to see Pandorum last Friday. It was an entertaining sci-fi movie. The movie itself was alright, but the way the story ended up was pretty cool.

Last night I saw Orphan at the "cheap seats". I thought that was a pretty good movie.
Yeah. The kid actors were great, especially the girls. The little girl was probably the best, but the Orphan girl was also really good. It was a bit of a textbook plot, but with a pretty interesting premise. Did you notice how often, especially early-mid movie, that they played at the classic startle scenes, but rarely actually used them. I liked that.

I went to see Pandorum last Friday. It was an entertaining sci-fi movie. The movie itself was alright, but the way the story ended up was pretty cool.

I really want to see Pandorum. I love sci-fi horror, and since Event Horizon nothing really good has come out (that I can think of).
Anyone see/gonna see Paranormal Activity?

I want to... hoping it plays around here so I dont have to dl it. (most scary movies lose any hope of actually being scary if you dont see them in theatre... and this one seems like Blair Witch/Cloverfield perspective... so yeah..)

Loved Zombieland. :)
Valkyrie - Meh. Seemed like an hour and fifteen minutes of people looking at each other suspiciously with moody music being played and then the finale. Didn't care about the characters so in the end I thought, "Eh, whatever."

Trick 'r Treat - Hmm. Don't think I liked it. Still digesting it and trying to make sense of it.
dear god orphan was one of the worst movies ive ever seen. i guessed the 'twist' like 20 minutes in and thought it would be 2 ridiuclous if it was true...then it was. what a joke!

my roommate rented ....if which stars malcolm mcdowell about the same time as A Clockwork Orange. Smaller flick, from the UK about cliques and all that kinda crap at some military/college not exactly sure and his random daydreams he has.
was it good?

I liked it, I think it's definitely worth a rent from netflix or a library or whatever...definitely strange in the later half of the movie

@v5; ya def lying and acting cool to keep my internet cred is a joke, that story premise has been used a 1000 times and only difference is the gayest twist ever

that out of the way,
I'm interested in hearing which other movies have used the premise of a girl who poses as a child in order to get into families and seduce the fathers through some kind of reverse Oedipus complex (I forget what this is called, I think it exists though?). I'm sure you can find some for me.
you havent ever seen the movie of the good child to one parent and devil child to the other? Maybe a little movie called The Omen?