The Official Movie Thread


I will always enjoy stuff like Gladiator, King Arthur, Braveheart, Alexander, Saving Pvt Ryan...hell even The Lord Of The Rings tril.! But I need something fairly new to throw in the DVD player asap.

Mongol- the slow beginning put me to sleep, not sure what to make of this?

Pathfinder- awful unfortunately.

Letters from Iwo Jima- nope...even prefered the latter version as depicted from Japans pov. Kinda boring though.

10,000 b.c.- horrible...put me to sleep.

The Nomad- haven't seen it...looks interesting?

Inglorious Bastards- looks badass, but not sure how epic and powerful this is?

300- the only fairly recent film that I thought was epic / badass and very entertaining. The technology, the whole method of filming and presentation ended up good...I just wished for more scenes performed on a more natural setting / landscape.

Would appreciate any rec.s...
foriegn, subtitles, obscure, box office hits I may have missed, soon to be released...anything?
Mongol actually gets really good, but the beginning is kind of slow.

Have you seen Kingdom of Heaven? It's a decent Crusades epic; not Gladiator by any means, but still pretty good (and it does a good job of portraying both sides of the war).

I'd also recommend the film Hero with Jet Li.
I should and will revisit Mongol...think I remember (awhile ago) your positive take on this film.

Yes, I remember being stoked for and grabbing the Kingdom Of Heaven DVD asap when it was first released. Thought it was good...but not great as I had hoped going in. Good characters and acting (love Irons & Neeson), portrays well as you mentioned...paints a wonderful picture of that time period. O. Bloom for some reason annoyed the hell out of me in Troy and did to a lesser degree in KOH as well.

Just finished watching Sauna. It was pretty good; the cinematography was especially captivating. The horror moments were thoroughly creepy as well. It started falling apart towards the end I think, but in a way I also enjoyed the ambiguity. Also, the historical aspects were very cool, and the dichotomy between Christianity and paganism was well-established, I thought.
lately ive been re-watching alot of older movies that I had partially forgotten, and many that I have missed. Other than The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, which is unbelievable imo, nothing I have seen has been to mindblowing. Mind you, I have a pretty bad memory.

But, the other day I remembered a movie id seen in the middle of the Summer called Gerry. It has Matt Damon and Casey affleck in it, and is Van Sant's first movie after Good WIll Huntint.

Regardless, it is unbelievable. I Love how it slowly buils, and the ten minute long walking scenes with sparse dialogue and incredible tension. Its incredible, you just watch them slowly get weaker and weaker, and then completely break down.

I think you are mixing it up with Irreversible, which in addition to the 9 minute rape scene has one of the most gruesome murder scenes...ever? It's even available on youtube (it's the scene where he mashes his face in with a fire extinguisher..over...and...over...and...over)

Salo on the other hand (SPOILER)------ is just 120 minutes of watching a bunch of naked teenagers getting forced to eat feces and get raped by the fascist guards, oh and then get ends with two fascist soliders dancing a waltz...yeahhh :loco:

EDIT: Meh, someone got to it before me :p
It was TERRIBLE! Are you nuts? Even as a X-Men fanboy, I can accept that movies will not be perfect next to the original comics/storyline, but that was a piece of shit. Plus they made it so Hollywood...the opening credit sequence was so fucking gay I shit my pants.