The Official Movie Thread

Regardless, being able to guess the premise doesn't make a movie bad. I felt the story was interesting and the acting was good. I am not saying that you have to agree with my opinion, but the only thing you have cited as to why Orphan sucks, is that you guessed the "twist".
When I went and saw Zombieland... I saw a preview for a movie that is going to cause a giant shitstorm, atleast in the states.

"The first time God lost faith in humanity, he sent the flood. This time, he sent his angels." (or something like that)

The sky goes dark with angels swirling the sky...
I cant seem to find a preview to this anywhere... and I dont think I imagined it. :lol:

Edit: Here

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It seems pretty lame, but I'm sure the content will upset all kinds of "god fearin' folk"

Kinda excited for the Nightmare on Elm Street remake... I've seen all the other classic horror film remakes so far, so why not?
Friends saw Paranormal Activity last night (I was too busy gettin' laid, sorry)...they said it was the scariest movie of all time.
Sweet! I'm psyched to see it. It still hasn't gotten a wide release yet.

Saw Pandorum. The execution and atmosphere were great, and the creature effects (especially during chase sequences) were very harrowing.

I had problems with the plot. It seemed like too many things were going on. I won't give anything away, but they either should have done a totally creature-based plot, or dropped the creatures and done a psychological plot.
^I thought the "twist" on Pandorum was really cool. Not a huge twist in regards to all that they deal with, but still an unexpected thing. I really liked it.

Also, saw Withnail & I last night. Pretty good movie. Pathetic and funny, with what I thought was a serious nod to, or influence from, the Brideshead Revisited story (which, by the way, is an excellent watch. Not the new one, but the super long one with Jeremy Irons).
Cannibal Holocaust made me angry, why someone would even do a film like that perplexes me. It's silly how they try to bake in some half assed attempt of society criticism, it's just an excuse for psychopaths to masturbate to the rest of the movie.
a friend of mine also saw Paranormal Activity and said it scared the bejesus out of him

Yeah my friends were utterly terrified. One of my friends who is the more easily scared of our group (similar to me lol) spent the night on his couch because he was afraid of his room.
Went with the wife to see Couples Retreat. Pretty standard Vince Vaughn fare, but got suprisingly "heartfelt" at the end. A movie celebrating marriage is kind of surprising these days.
(I was too busy gettin' laid, sorry)...they said it was the scariest movie of all time.

The scariest movie of alltime was you getting laid...get out!?! This could be both good and or bad.:lol:

Suppose I should and kinda want to see Couples Retreat...seeing that I'm going to Cancun Mexico soon with 2 other couples.
I don't know. Could be interesting. I've read reviews that say it starts good and goes downhill, which is characteristic of most contemporary science fiction/supernatural thrillers. I'd still watch it anyway, because I'm a sucker for movies like that.