The Official Movie Thread

Just saw the trailer for Paranormal Activity. This may well be very scary... but from what I saw...didn't do much for me. The whole showing the premire audiences and thier reactions is a bit much for me. We don't need to see this...give us more clips from the movie, less over the top pushing it on us stuff and let the audiences see for themselves and then comment on it. The Exorcist, Exorcism of Emily Rose, etc didn't need to do this, I don't think...they spoke for themselves and had its adverse effect.

Law Biding Citizen looks pretty intense! Did anyone see this...maybe its a modern day Deathwish? G. Butler also was in Rock'n Rolla's...any comments on this one?...I'm interested.
Rockn Rolla was the movie I was watching last night, ill let you know tomorrow how I thought of it. Big fan of Snatch and the first 45m or so wasnt bad at all
Quarantine was pretty lame. Super Rabies!

The 'trend' in horror movies lately of all the main characters dying is getting increasingly predictable.... I have no problem with the bad guy winning... but can we atleast have a decent villian/monster win? Not like the thing in nothing but a pair of tidey whiteys in Quarantine... or the disgusting old woman in Drag me to Hell (both awful movies)

More like...

(warning, gore + old school fucking death metal in that video)

Still waiting on Paranormal Activity to play around here somewhere. :(
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After reading about Paranormal Activity I'm thinking of seeing it tonight. Alone (because everyone says not to, and I like to get really scared).
that movie was pretty sweet. I do not really dig horror very much but that creature thimg is creepy and that movie was pretty cool overall.