The Official Movie Thread

Most of the unflattering stuff is coming from idiotic critics like those who demanded Lars von Trier "justify" having made this film mostly because of a couple of genital mutilation scenes. The emotional content throughout is also very unpleasant. It's still an excellent film. And I'm not even really a von Trier fan.

there's been an awful awful lot of kneejerk bullshit for this one, i agree. it's amazing how many people harp on about 'pretentiousness', 'shock tactics', 'misogyny', 'psychobabble' etc when they want to but then go on to praise von trier's previous stuff, not to mention many of the directors who have similar traits, from tarkovsky to lynch to cronenberg. i mean don't get me wrong, von trier's a very provocative, manipulative director, but to me a lot of the best, most challenging cinema is, especially these days. von trier is first and foremost an exposer, when i'm watching his stuff it's like he's reading me rather than i'm reading him, worming into my mind and lighting up the darkest corners, smashing the web of conceits.

it's understandable that he receives such scorn from some critics, he makes you feel very vulnerable and breaks rules at nearly every turn, there's no handholding or pulled punches here. but he also absolutely sucks me in every time, the visual poetry and originality and general intensity leaves me absolutely glued to the screen, and the more i think about the experiences afterwards the more praise i end up having. i actually find this kind of film very unpretentious in many ways, certainly less pretentious than a bunch of critics moralising and getting their knickers in a twist.

what other von trier stuff have you seen?
Being John Malkovich was great. I don't know why I didn't watch this sooner.

check out synecdoche new york, man. seriously. every other kaufman movie, from BJM to eternal sunshine to adaptation, are just a warm up for that as far as i'm concerned, good though they all are. i also recommend confessions of a dangerous mind, it's less immediate than his more gimmicky better known movies and is arguably better in my opinion.
check out synecdoche new york, man. seriously. every other kaufman movie, from BJM to eternal sunshine to adaptation, are just a warm up for that as far as i'm concerned, good though they all are. i also recommend confessions of a dangerous mind, it's less immediate than his more gimmicky better known movies and is arguably better in my opinion.

Synecdoche. New York was my favorite movie of 2008...hands down. I agree, all of Kaufman's other movies having been leading up to that one.

Im watching Antichrist tonight. I even loved the trailer, so much that I wrote a whole poem inspired by line from the Trailer. I am very excited to say the least
oh yeah I saw that as well... Story was absurd, bad acting. All around I didnt like it, but I was entertained nonetheless. I will admit that * spoiler* his whole Tactician approach to life was oddly inspiring.
check out synecdoche new york, man. seriously. every other kaufman movie, from BJM to eternal sunshine to adaptation, are just a warm up for that as far as i'm concerned, good though they all are. i also recommend confessions of a dangerous mind, it's less immediate than his more gimmicky better known movies and is arguably better in my opinion.

absolutely unbelievable film. the whole last half hour absolutely kills me
You're one of 2 people besides me that get what I'm talking about and understand that movie. E-five for you. Hell, E-Blowjob. Why not?

Count me as 3. Totally love & get Cool Hand Luke and Newmans alltime great performance. Who runs away with a shit eating grin on thier face while bullets (from the guard) are flying over thier head? His developed relationship with George Kennedy's (great performance as well) character is one of a kind. The scene with blonde washing the car is boiling hot!
allright, I watched Antichrist last night. Totally loved it;every part of it. William Dafoe was great in it, and Charlotte Gainsbourg ( sp?) was incredible. Von Trier really managed to capture the forest how She was describing it;such an ominous feeling. The colours were great, the Dialogue,The composition.

So far my favorite movie from this year, slightly above Moon
last house on the left remake was insulting

Then dont watch The Stepfather remake. Man I got a free preview pass for that shit and i still wanted some money back for wasting my time. Plot was thin, Acting was poor wasn't even close to the hokey but fun to watch original Stepfather.
But on the positive side of things and yes im late I watched Zombieland that day as well and i really enjoyed that film. Will be buying that dvd when it comes out! The cameo was tops.
I don't know how I'd never heard much of anything about The Manchurian Candidate (2004), but I was completely shocked by it last night. I honestly expected nothing more than a straightforward political thriller, lots of clandestine fuckery and all that, but nothing like what it was actually about. It was almost Cronenberg-esque.