The Official Movie Thread

Whoa. Shit, District 9 was one hell of a fun movie. Impressed enough that I now feel obligated to either go see it in a theater or buy the DVD upon release.

That robot suit at the end was great. Somebody was obviously a fan of Half-Life 2's gravity gun...
I really, really hate Will Ferrell -- usually. Stranger Than Fiction was actually pretty good, and I was honestly surprised that he could handle a role like that so well. If only he did more like that instead of all the lame comedies, I'd have a lot more respect for the guy.
Jeniffer Connelly and Ed Harris are filming a movie one block from my house as I type this. They have the roads blocked off around here for filming. That is all.
I thought about it. I have thought she is super hot since I was a wee lad. Now she is so close....I can smell her....she will be mine! AHEM, ya I might go check it out....
tell her you thought she ruled in phenomenon! it was a argento movie she did when she was like 13 with Loomis from the original Halloween series
I don't know how I'd never heard much of anything about The Manchurian Candidate (2004), but I was completely shocked by it last night. I honestly expected nothing more than a straightforward political thriller, lots of clandestine fuckery and all that, but nothing like what it was actually about. It was almost Cronenberg-esque.

If you're ashamed you hadn't heard of that before, you will be even more ashamed for not having seen the superior original. The remake is damn good as far as remakes go, though.
Paranormal Activity- So much better han I could have ever hoped. I had heard good things and they are true. This is one of the best horror movies I have seen. I cannot remember ever being as physically affected by a horror as much as i was by this one. I thought it was very well done and it succeeded in making me uneasy and uncomfortable the entire time. I felt as nervous for night to came as the characters. Recommended.

Where The Wild Things Are- i wasn't sure how they were going to pull this one off seeing as the source material is rather limited, but I feel they did a very good job with what they had. The story was heartfelt and the movie was wonderful the look at.

Some cool trailers played before paranormal Activity as well. I was not aware until today that they are making a film out of The Road and I have to say that based on the trailer I think it looks great. Viggo Mortensen as the lead is wonderful. I am a big fan of his.
Can't fucking wait for The Road. I'm using a quote from it in the conclusion to my thesis; go McCarthy!

Also, thanks for the review of Paranormal Activity Evil, much appreciated. My girlfriend and I are planning on going to see it soon.