The Official Movie Thread

I sat towards the back of a smaller theatre and PA made me quite motion sick after I got in my car to drive...

I'm always sceptic whenever people talk about movies as "bla bla bla of all time", though.

Very odd typo.
Saw Moon the other night. Overall I'd say it was good, but no 2001: A Space Odyssey.

There are some things that aren't making much sense to me, but I might go back to watch it again and see if I missed something.

Particularly, I'm wondering if I missed a clearer explanation for the Sam clone that awakens after the accident having such a desperate need to get outside of the facility and go straight to where the accident was and find the other clone. It was clear that he became suspicious of whatever was going on when he woke up and caught Gerty engaging in a real-time conversation on-screen, but why would he have any memory of that accident taking place unless the memory implants are that up-to-date? And how would that even work, if the other clone is still unconscious in the crashed vehicle? My impression was that all the clones wake up and are told "there's been an accident," explaining away their brief memory loss, and presuming they just have memory implants belonging to the real Sam Bell up to a certain point. Leave a blank, freeze 'em, thaw 'em out when the last one falls apart and dies after its three-year lifespan, and it's the same thing over and over. Yet this one awakens and knows right away to convince Gerty to let him outside and head for the crash site.

And there are a few other somewhat more nitpicky things...
[SPOILER Response]
Yeah that kind of bothered me too. The reunion of the two clones seemed to happened too fast.
[SPOILER again omg]
It kind of makes sense at first -- you know, when you think he's still the same Sam and he's just driving out to see what the hell happened, and maybe figure out what he saw that caused him to crash in the first place (...except that he doesn't remember anything?). But he's not, and... yeah. Wut.
Skeptic with a c is a british english thing I think

Or a Polish death metal band (reference last album to the right in my sig).

Saw Moon the other night. Overall I'd say it was good, but no 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Wanted to see this in the theater but by the time I realized it even existed, it was in the second run theater, and left before I could make it. I will rent it. I did not read any of the spolier stuff.
I actually also saw Moon yesterday, there's some kind of film festival here. I thought it was good but I had honestly expected better. It wasn't very thought-provoking, it didn't seem new in any way. I felt like I had seen it all before.
Just watched The Tracey Fragmentsand liked it a lot. Very interesting movie visually. The movie is told through the memories of the last few days of the central character and the screen is fragmented into many shots at once for almost the entire duration of the film. There are full screen shots from time to time but not too often. Ellen Page did a great job as the lead and this is her best performance to date in my opinion. Recommended for someone who wants to watch something outside the norm.
I actually also saw Moon yesterday, there's some kind of film festival here. I thought it was good but I had honestly expected better. It wasn't very thought-provoking, it didn't seem new in any way. I felt like I had seen it all before.


I felt like I was watching Alien 2009: The Alternate Plot Excluding Any Aliens.
Just watched amazing movie, what a treat.

I watched the scene of the freaky girl in the bathroom on youtube. That freaked me out.

Also, for anyone interested in a decent foreign horror film, I recommend Sauna. I won't claim the ending makes complete sense, but it's a creepy ride there, and visually beautiful. And the historical backdrop they use for the story is actually very interesting.

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