The Official Movie Thread

NO!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!

george clooney remaking pet sematary?! damnit! some movies shouldnt be touched. pet sematary is PERFECT the way it is
^ you didnt like it? wow

i just wasted $10 dollars going to see Rush hour 3 with a friend
i want that hour and a half of my fucking life back
Someone mentioned to me the other day that no great American movies have been made in the last 40 years. To my surprise I couldn't really think of any either.
Its just the same old teen comedy crap which is getting so old. Grad night, trying to get laid, trying to get drunk, same thing over and over.

Indeed the plot was generic, but the humor in the movie was, I thought, very fresh and smart. Lots of clever gags and excellent, believable dialouge. The whole thing with the cops was especially funny.

Ah, McLovin, McLovin, McLovin, McLovin, McLovin...